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Forum Posts

I just configured my ASA so I can remote access via SSH but I can't seem to get it to work. I have my ASA ( with my wireleess router ( connected via the WAN port.  I should be able to access the ASA from my laptop (

jwood1650 by Level 1
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Hi out thereI have a problem with a SSM10 module in a ASA5520 which has got the signature tuned - there is a lot of tuned signatures defined on it under active signatures - and this is split on three vs.For some time the signature update has started ...

tiwang by Level 3
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Hi everyone,I have a question.I have a 7100 router that has some servers behind it. I need to translate each server to a public IP. The only thing is that between the outside world and the router is an ASA. We have a small data center where the ASA i...

derrmart by Cisco Employee
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Hi guys,I hope someone can help me here.We have a configuration policy for our ASAs. On all of our firewalls, we configure 4 interfaces, inside, ouside, dmz & wan. We always setup management access on the wan interface. Because we don't always have W...

I have a server in our DMZ which monitors one of my https site which is also in the DMZMonitioring system in the DMZ (nat-ed IP address say = ip address in DMZ (nat-ed IP address say = What i...

iirvine by Level 1
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                   Hi ,I am planning to deploy ASA as internal Firewall ... as all the Inside and Outside zones will be having same Ip range . I am confused about its deployment . Can any1  help me on deciding on deploying it as Routed mode or transp...

Ojask2511 by Level 1
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Resolved! ASA Config Help

I just got my ASA from ebay and I cleared the config out to start fresh.  But now I can't seem to get my config to give me access to the internet.  Please help...route outside 1  --> that should be my default gateway fr...

jwood1650 by Level 1
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I am trying to setup port forwarding on the asa. Inbound port 3062 needs to go to an address on a server inside the corporation. NO DMZ...I do not have the option under firewall to select port forwarding. I have add a nat rule before network object ,...

miket by Level 5
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I'm having issues with an 881 that I have configured as a zone based firewall.I have allowed HTTP(s) and DNS on the DMZ but my user is saying he cannot access the internet.On the corporate side the user complains that some websites fail, such as Link...

I have problem with Cisco ASA 5505 (asa844-9-k8.bin) and ASDM 7.0(2) I have Windows XP with java ver 7 17when I click on Run ASDM, I get error Unable to launch Unable to load resource: https://19...