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 Hi ,I don't have a physical switch for dmz .Now If I want to  share the same  inside network switch ,what is the solution Thanks    

 Hi When tenable scan, we got vulnerability info as below. Any solution can be used for this issue? Thank you A remote device is affected by an information disclosureThe IKE service running on the remote Cisco IOS device is affected byan information ...

Leftz by Level 4
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I have figured out the the router ip address are currently in the down position and need to be turned on. I can not figure out what else I need to configure so the the pings are working the way they are suppose too. I could use any hints. It is all w...

Hello friends,I am wondering why there is no deployment with incremental changes.problem :when I changed a line of policy, and then after deployment, all IKEv2 VPN tunnels going to reset!!!!!!I have about 150 tunnels ( S2S with IKEv1 and IKEv2) and a...

najarian by Level 1
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Hello we have two device ASA CISCO 5512 with HA  (  primary and secondary ). so i have problem : FW1-Primary ( Active )FW2-secondary ( Failed ) and it is we have an error messageone device is unknown state  you will find two pictures about error mesa...