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Forum Posts

Resolved! Firepower Updates

Hi All, Quick question regarding Recurring Rule Updates within FMC. If it tick the 'Deploy Updated Policies to targeted devices' does that mean that the update will be automatically deployed to my FTDs and the Snort Process restarted?  Thanks

dm2020 by Level 1
  • 5 replies
  • 0 Helpful votes

I'm using an ASA 5506-X I decided to go with a static default route in my configuration I'm not connected yet to the internet, but I assume that is not necessary for configuration.My understanding is the default static route configuration on an ASA i...

Waterbird by Level 1
  • 7 replies
  • 0 Helpful votes

I'm trying to set up Event Manager on an ASA 5540 8.2, but it's not showing the commands, nor the initial command, does anyone know why? #event manager applet EventICMPdescription Monitoring Memory ProcessorCPU and Interface ICMP Incidentevent timer ...

Hello,   I would like to know at which end the issue lies, In the  attached wireshark traces, the ip address sends SYN to and the ip replies with SYN ACK but then we don't see any ACK from   Can ...

Wireshark Traces.JPG

Hi All   I have the following topology   Internet     | Cisco ASA     |  Core Switch------------Router1----Backup Internet     All  my traffic goes out through Cisco ASA but I want only certain traffic (for example) telnet traffic to go through backu...

Hello,   I currently have an ASA that has a default route out to a service provider (extranet with RFC1918 addresses plus some limited RIPE addresses).  The network will be changing in the future and I need to swing that default route elsewhere.  The...

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