Looks good;Very helpful.Also when we use a Usb port to copy the image what would be the path while copying the image instead of a tftp server ? copy tftp: bootflash:
My question is as you said to reload standby sup command is "redundancy reload peer" and after that "redundancy force switchover" to failover and reload active sup but this should be done only after standby comes UP and we verify it on console , right?
Yes, that is correct that you reload the standby first with "redundancy reload peer" and then wait for it to come up and once it is up , you can failover to reload the Active.
Thanks for this video, it is really clear to understand.
But i am trying to know if there will be posible to make the same process (Reload chassis one by one) changing the IOS from non-crypto to crypto Image
I saw some caveats into the release notes about it is not supported and it could cause an impact ( I fear to lose the management of the VSS as this change will be done into a production environment) . So could someone throw me any light on this matter?
Change from cat4500e-universal.SPA.03.09.00.E.152-5.E.bin to cat4500e-universalk9.SPA.03.09.00.E.152-5.E.bin
i have dual SUP-7E on Cisco 4507R+E ( Version 03.01.01.SG , 15.0(1r)SG1 ) i want to the upgrade to the following software
version 3.8.6 MD( cat4500e-universal.SPA.03.08.06.E.152-4. E6.bin) ,
Any one give me the steps cause aim confused how to start , do i have to upgrade to ROM IOS first and to which version , or i can upgrade to version 3.8.6 MD directly
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