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How to migrate services' configuration when NSO Upgrading
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Hi all,

Does anybody know how to migrate services' configuration?

I tried to copy the CDB files, but the target NSO only have the operation configuration, the services' configuration is not migrated successfully.

Then i tried another method.

  1. Using command “show running-config l3vpn-svc | display xml | save l3vpn_data.xml” export services from old NSO.
  2. Using command “ncs_load -l -m l3vpn_data.xm” import the same services xml file to new NSO
  3. Then new NSO have the services’ configuration, but the services’ reference count is wrong. The new NSO services’ refcount value is one bigger than the old NSO services’ refcount value.
  4. Then I command “re-deploy reconcile” on the new NSO. Most of the services’ refcount is changed to right, but some still wrong.

Could anyone give me some  recommendations about this issue?

Thank you!


Old NSO:

  ! Refcount: 2

  ! Backpointer: [ /l3vpn-svc:l3vpn-svc/l3vpn-svc:sites/l3vpn-svc:site[l3vpn-svc:site-id='cus-119-site-1'] ]

  cisco-ios-xr:class-map match-any DCI-CNC-GOLD

   match precedence 4 5


New NSO:

  ! Refcount: 1

  ! Backpointer: [ /l3vpn-svc:l3vpn-svc/l3vpn-svc:sites/l3vpn-svc:site[l3vpn-svc:site-id='cus-119-site-1'] ]

  cisco-ios-xr:class-map match-any DCI-CNC-GOLD

   match precedence 4 5



4 Replies 4

Jan Lindblad
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Is this an upgrade of NSO version only, or are you upgrading some of your packages at the same time?

If you're only upgrading NSO, take a backup of the CDB directory, then just start the new NSO version in the same runtime directory. NSO should automatically take care of any upgrade chores, if any.

What you did is also possible in principle, but the refcount would normally be 1 to too high (as you observe) until you reconcile your service instances. If some service instances do not show the right refcount after reconcile, that indicates that the config on the device does not perfectly match your service code. Time to run another iteration of brownfield service archeology, and figure out why the config NSO pushes out doesn't exactly match what's in the network.

If you like more info on service reconciliation, we have this favorite from last year:

and a couple of fresh videos that might be relevant:

Hi Jan,

    Thanks for your help.

    We just need to upgrade the NSO version, no changes in packages.

    But what is "just start the new NSO version in the same runtime directory"?

    We are using system-install, seem like donot need to start NSO in a specific directory, like local-install.

    I have tried move the CDB files, but failed in migrating services configuration. So you are successful before? Do you know what i should take care when copying this CDB files?

   Thanks again!

So take a backup (which you only need to use if you ever want to downgrade to the original NSO version again), then install the new NSO version on your system. You can keep or remove the old NSO version. There's no need to copy or move CDB, just leave it where it is. NSO will upgrade the contents to the new version, if necessary.

For System Install upgrade is quite simple...

See the NSO System Install/NSO Upgrade section of the NSO Installation guide, pretty good step-by-step instructions on backup, install new version, update current NSO link...


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