I am trying to use NSO to manage Juniper SRX IPsec configuration, I am running latest juniper-junos-nc-4.5 NED on NSO 5.3, when I am trying to sync-from a Juniper vSRX running 18.4R1, I am getting the following error:
admin@ncs(config)# devices sync-from device [ test_vsrx ] verbose
sync-result {
device test_vsrx
result true
info unknown element: traffic-selector in /ncs:devices/ncs:device[ncs:name='test_vsrx']/ncs:config/junos:configuration/junos:security/junos:ipsec/junos:vpn[junos:name='vpn_test']
Basically this ned can not parse IPsec phase 2 encryption domain configuration (designated by "traffic-selector" in Junos)
I am not sure why such basic IPsec configuration is not recognized by this ned, I must be doing something wrong ...