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Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

On November 18th, 2017, we migrated ‘My Cisco Workspace’ and the ‘Service Order RMA tool’ to a single landing page called ‘Product Returns & Replacements (RMA)’. From this page you can view all your RMAs, what stage they are in, click on the RMA to see the associated timeline and some customers have access to create RMAs.


We’ve Simplified Your RMA Experience:

With our new landing page comes a new ability for RMA creation. We call this ability the Customer Handoff Experience!  The Customer Handoff Experience gives Cisco the ability to start creating the RMA and allows you to finish it online!


We’re Bringing Value to You:

When our Logistics and Technical Support teams generate an RMA, they need to collect RMA details before creating the RMA. This means you need to compile and document the RMA Details in an email or read this information to us over the phone.

Our new Customer Handoff Experience will eliminate the back and forth between you and Cisco when an RMA is needed and let you update shipping information directly on your RMA before submitting the order.


How it Works:

Our new RMA Creation process consists of four steps:

  1. Part Information
  2. Site Information
  3. Delivery Details
  4. Review & Submit

Our Logistics and Technical Support teams now have the option to start creating the RMA by completing Step 1: Part information and verifying entitlement. Once the part information is added they will handoff the RMA to you (Acknowledgement CCO ID). You will receive an email with a link to the RMA online and from there you can Complete Step 2: Site Information, Step 3: Delivery Details and Step 4: Review & Submit.

How We Did It:

For our innovative team to implement a valuable and robust solution, we partnered with real users such as our stakeholders, Customers and Partners to capture their insights. We studied how users work, what they do and listened to what they wanted. As we designed, we went back to users and showed them what we had come up with and asked hundreds of questions to learn if we were meeting their needs. We took these insights and used them to build our new design.


Level 1
Level 1 I would love to see information from POWR tool pulled together with RMAs.


I find myself bouncing between these tools to determine if the RMA is closed, if not, then I end up at the POWR to check, if no record there, I end up "simulating" creating a label to determine if RMA is "ready" for the end user (of course I cancel out and delete the extra row in POWR).  But this is a use case that could be pulled together to the one tool.  Admins or partners needs to know Return RMA status.  They may need to genitally request the part be returned.


Admin want to know the "Return RMA" status:

  1. Closed.  AKA Cisco has received returned item.
  2. Picked up by carrier.  AKA in transit.
  3. Requested pickup.  AKA labels generated and ready to go.
  4. No action.  AKA RMA is in queue at POWR but no shipment created.
  5. Expired.  AKA RMA is not available for creation of a shipment.

Having in one tool would be great for the one off Return RMA, however, real power would be in getting a list of open Return RMAs with statuses that can be exported and worked (along with the shipping contact information)., after entering anything, the page does nothing. 

Using Chrome. Trying with Firefox now.

Level 1
Level 1

@Intuit Corporation Drone 192 I found that the search is a bit odd when it does not find anything.  The Results just stay the same at "No Items" and this is a bit confusing.


It would be better if the result changed to "Could not find XYZ" when you search for XYZ!  

Level 1
Level 1

Ladies & Gentlemen ,

please ,  was there any solution provided by Cisco regarding this question ?



Need to pull complete report for the set of RMA's (Like Serial Number,SR,Shipping Address, Shipping Contact, Replaced Serial Number..etc.,) 


Is there any tool available to download the report, if yes please share me the link & if any guide available for that tool..please share me that as well


Level 1
Level 1
No, it is not fixed.

First I get this page:

Next, I click on the "Obtain a Return Material Authorization (RMA), and I click on that and it takes me to this page:

I answer the two questions and I go nowhere and I never get to a page where I can create RMAs. The best I can get is to a page that just allows me to search for RMAs, never create them.

I never get to this page that would let me create RMAs,CA,MX,CN,RU,AU,IN&orderType=contract&delInd=delivery#parts-option

Mark Thomas

Boeing Network


Level 1
Level 1
No, it is not fixed.

First I get this page:

Next, I click on the "Obtain a Return Material Authorization (RMA), and I click on that and it takes me to this page:<>

I answer the two questions and I go nowhere and I never get to a page where I can create RMAs. The best I can get is to a page that just allows me to search for RMAs, never create them.

I never get to this page that would let me create RMAs,CA,MX,CN,RU,AU,IN&orderType=contract&delInd=delivery#parts-option

Mark Thomas

Boeing Network


Level 1
Level 1



I tried to request access to create my own RMA online through to feedback link.

But every time I got this error"An issue encountered during request creation. Please try submitting again". Could you help me to have the access?


Thank you.



Jinyu LUO


I tried as well to request access to create my own RMA online through to feedback link.

I get the same error:

"An issue encountered during request creation. Please try submitting again"

Can you help me to get access?



Best regards

Christian Schramm

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Hello Team,

hope you are doing well!

please how we creat a new RMA?



Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Hi ,


How i can pull the RMA Report of a company of last 10 years?



Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

excellent process!

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

What is the difference between RMA and SVO ? 


Martin Leduc 


Level 1
Level 1
SVO Tool (Service Order Submit Tool) = The SVO Submit Tool allows users to request replacements for units covered under warranty or Cisco service contract, or to order billable service replacements. The SVO Status Tool Summary is an online RMA/service order query tool that allows users to receive results onscreen, by e-mail, or in an Excel spreadsheet. The results displayed will be limited to order details associated with the contract number and customer ID number referenced in the user's profile (CCO ID) .

RMA (Returned Material Authorization) = Is the act of a replacement being sent. Once an RMA is generate, a specific Cisco identifier number will be generated to the order for tracking and you can use this link to track the order from creation, shipment status and arrival. - The results displayed will be limited to order details associated with the contract number and customer ID number referenced in the user's profile (CCO ID) .

Level 1
Level 1

What should we do if we run into this error message:

You are not authorized to update this RMA. Only a Valid user associated to this RMA's contract will be able to update this RMA. If you have any questions, Please contact Logistics Support Center Agent.

Level 1
Level 1
This is especially annoying when it is a Warranty Only RMA and the failed unit is not covered by a service contract. There is no way to see these unless you were the creator, and sometimes that is the TAC engineer.
If the failed unit is on a service contract, make sure you have that on your users access profile (or the parent Bill-To-ID that the contract is under). That way the Cisco entitlement system can verify you should be able to access the RMA.
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