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Auditing CallManager changes?

Level 1
Level 1

Is there any way, third party plug-in or anything that would enable a customer to audit CallManager changes - i.e. who changed the phone number and when did they do it, who was "messing around" at the time it all went wrong?

Clearly a customer has a problem with their staff! :o)

2 Replies 2

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

I have been able to use the IIS logs to track down a particular user who made a change, more specifically reset something that reset multiple devices. The IIS logs can be found in c:\winnt\system32\logfiles\w3svc. You will want to look on all servers.

In the logs you will see the source address and the login ID. If the person was using remote desktop and the ID administrator then these logs won't help. But if the user was logged in from their PC or using MLA then you might be able to track down the user.

You will need to have some timeframe of when the affected device was reset. You can look into the application event logs for this. Then match the time in the IIS logs. The times printed in the IIS logs are GMT.


Kevin - thank you - I guess this can tell us who was logged on but can't entirely tell us what they actually changed.