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Member since ‎10-26-2001

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Hi All, And thank you in advance....  We have a legacy H.323 Tandberg device (not connected through a GK or anything) which we would like to join to our WebEx meetings.  We're aware that's possible but WebEx meetings we think seem to have a range of...
Hi All, And thank you in advance....  We have a legacy H.323 Tandberg device (not connected through a GK or anything) which we would like to join to our WebEx meetings.  We're aware that's possible but WebEx meetings we think seem to have a range of...
Hi Team,I don't think you can beat real-life experience so I thought I'd ask this team whether they had any recommendations. We need to add some SSDs into our UCS B230s - we have this part code:   UCS-SSD100GI1F105=but my team understand this goes EO...
Hi Everyone,I'd be grateful if you could lend me your experience to the following scenario.We have pretty-much all the Cisco UC applications you could think of in 2 data centres:  CUCM, CUP, Unity Connection, CUOM, CUSM etc.I'm trying to understand h...
Another CUCIMOC question if I may:On some users, if they make a call they go to OCS status "on the phone".On others, if they make a call they go to "busy".A communicator to communicator call always appears "on the phone".   Does anyone have any idea ...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎10-26-2001 04:46 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-15-2018 02:19 AM
Posts 188
Total Helpful Votes Received 16
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