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AutoAttendant after Active Directory integration

Level 1
Level 1


I've got problems with AA name dialing after Active Directory integration.

Before that it worked.

AA number dialing is fine, but with name dialing AA cannot route calls to any of the users.

I've read on the univercd that in the user configuration I can configure AA name dialing parameters for each user. I remember that there was this Application Profile Pane before the Active Directory integration.

Currently I only have Device Association, Extension Mobility and SoftPhone.

My question is how does AA name dialing work after AD integration and how can I configure user perameter for it?

I'm using CM 3.1(3a) and Applications 2.2(3b).

Thanks for the help,


4 Replies 4

Level 1
Level 1

When you go to users -> global directory and select a user over on the left do you see the option for auto attendant? It would be in the list with device association and extenstion mobility.

Thank you,



Currently I only have Device Association, Extension Mobility and SoftPhone.


Try this.

To correct this you will need access Administrator access to the Active Directory box.

On the Active Directory box see if ADSI edit is installed. If it is not you will need install it. You can get it from the Windows 2000 Server CD. To add it place the CD in the CD drive. Go to start -> setting control panel -> add/remove programs. Click on the button to add a new program. Click on the CD or floppy icon. It will try and read the floppy and CD. Once this is complete you will be able to browse and find the setup for the Windows 2000 support tools. Browse to the CD then to support\tools and run the setup.

Once this is installed you will have on the start menu under programs you will have Windows 2000 support tools -> tools -> ADSI edit.

Click on ADSI edit. Once you open ADSI edit it will look a lot like Active Directory Users and Computers. Click the + sign by Domain NC. Then click the plus sign by DC = Now navigate to the Organizational Unit with the Cisco specific data. It can really be anywhere in the tree. I have put mine right below the root. After locating the Cisco organazational unit click the + sign on it. Then drill down to OU=ccn -> OU=systemProfile.

Right-click on CN=System Profile and click on properties.

For "Select a property to view" select "ciscoCCNAAInstalled"

The value will be false. In "Edit Attribute" type true and click the set button and click ok.

Now you need to go back to the CallManager. Then go to start -> programs -> administrative tools -> services. Find the IIS Admin Service. Right-click on the Service and click restart. Click yes when it ask you to restart the other services.

Now when you go back to users -> global directory and select a user the Auto Attendant will show up under Application profiles for the user.

Try this and see what you get,


Thanks, that really worked, but I still have problems.

I found ciscoCCNatAAinstalled property instead of the one you mentioned. I guess we are using different CM versions.

I set it to true, restarted IIS and now I can configure AA name dialing parameters for the users.

The current problem is that AA still cannot handle name dialing.

It does not recognize any of the users.

I checked the ciscoCCNAAKeyPadMappping property of the users and I'm dialing that number to avoid any typos.

I restarted the Application Engine service, but it did not help.
