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Level 1
Level 1

I have this error showing up in Event Viewer sporadically, and am not quite sure what it is. I've read in this forum, that it indicates a LOCKED PORT, and have found on that it should only happen on highly utilized Unity Boxes ( ie 90% port utilization ).

In this case, we had a ring no answer situation, and the call was dropped in transit to unity. I am using an ICS7750 w/ 2x CCM 3.2c SP "d" and unity 3.1.3.

what exactly is the AVMiu_MC error indicating? I have read that the fix is to rewboot the box to unlock the port ( also found on ), BUT THIS IS LIVE! The 7750 is handling all routing of calls for an entire school district, and can not be taken down.

Any suggestions?




Component Miu: Thread 0x00001260 had a Failure on Port 3 in Method CAvMiuLine::Answer()

DESCRIPTION: Timed-out waiting for LINECALLSTATE_CONNECTED after lineAnswer.


HCALL: 0x00010489



CallerID: 3000

CalledID: 2412

RedirectingID: 2412

Origin: Internal

Reason: FwdUncond

Trunk: 0.


[08:29:52:356 - 0x0000104C] Drop() - S_OK

[08:29:52:356 - 0x0000104C] Transfer(RELEASE to 2306) - S_OK

[08:31:24:499 - 0x00001060] LINE_APPNEWCALL(0x00010489)

[08:31:24:499 - 0x00001060] SetEvent(NewCall)

[08:31:24:609 - 0x00001260] Answer() entered

[08:31:24:609 - 0x00001260] lineAnswer(0x00010489) - 0x00010623

[08:31:24:609 - 0x00001060] LINE_REPLY(0x00010623 | 0x00000000)

[08:31:54:613 - 0x00001260] WaitFor(0x00010623 | CONNECTED) - Timeout

[08:31:54:613 - 0x00001260] Answer() - E_MIU_TIMEOUT

[08:31:54:613 - 0x00001260] Drop() entered

[08:31:54:623 - 0x00001260] Drop Iteration 1 Call State: LINECALLSTATE_OFFERING

[08:31:54:623 - 0x00001260] Answer() entered

[08:31:54:633 - 0x00001260] lineAnswer(0x00010489) - 0x0001021B

[08:31:54:633 - 0x00001060] LINE_REPLY(0x0001021B | 0x00000000)

[08:32:24:636 - 0x00001260] WaitFor(0x0001021B | CONNECTED) - Timeout.

11 Replies 11

Level 7
Level 7

What is the version number on your TSP? This sounds like CSCdu46310.


either 6.0.2 or 6.0.2a cant remember. if you can tell me where to look, i'll scheck for specifics.

ports 15 & 16 dedicated to MWI, and 13 & 14 have the ability to send MWI but are not dedicated to the task

I am encountering the same problem this week on Unity 3.1.5 and TSP

Reboots fix it for a while - not for long

Level 1
Level 1

just bringing this post back to the top...

any ideas guys & gals?

Level 1
Level 1

This AvMiu_MC error is now occurring more frequently, on multiple ports.

A reboot does indeed fix this issue, but it is a temporary fix.

Here is a more extensive event log output:


Component Miu: Thread 0x0000114C had a Failure on Port 1 in AvWav


File: e:\views\Unity3.1.2.41\un_Miu\UnityAvWav\WAVOUT.C(577)

Method: WavOutOpen

Failure: call to waveOutOpen failed with error(20).


Component Miu: Thread 0x0000114C had a Failure on Port 1 in AvWav


File: e:\views\Unity3.1.2.41\un_Miu\UnityAvWav\WAVOUT.C(739)

Method: WavOutClose

Failure: call to WaitForSingleObject (hEventDeviceClosed) failed.


Component Miu: Thread 0x0000114C had a Failure on Port 1 in AvWav


File: e:\views\Unity3.1.2.41\un_Miu\UnityAvWav\WAV.C(1874)

Method: WavPlayEx

Failure: call to WavOutOpen failed.


Component Miu: Thread 0x0000114C had a Failure on Port 1 in Method CAvMiuWave::Play()

DESCRIPTION: AvWav WavPlay failed with 0xFFFFFFFF.


IStream: 0x029BAC18

HWAV: 0x029CF9FC



[09:39:26:963 - 0x00001194] Drop() - S_OK

[09:39:28:545 - 0x00000EFC] LINE_APPNEWCALL(0x00010613)

[09:39:28:545 - 0x00000EFC] SetEvent(NewCall)

[09:39:28:625 - 0x0000114C] Answer() entered

[09:39:28:625 - 0x00000EFC] LINE_REPLY(0x000105BE | 0x00000000)

[09:39:28:625 - 0x0000114C] lineAnswer(0x00010613) - 0x000105BE

[09:39:28:745 - 0x00000EFC] LINECALLSTATE_CONNECTED(0x00010613 | Active)

[09:39:28:745 - 0x0000114C] WaitFor(0x000105BE | CONNECTED) - CONNECTED

[09:39:28:745 - 0x0000114C] Answer() - S_MIU_CONNECTED

[09:39:28:986 - 0x0000114C] Play() entered

[09:39:28:986 - 0x0000114C] WavOpen(0x029BAC18) - 0x029CF9FC

[09:39:28:986 - 0x0000114C] WavGetLength(0x029CF9FC) - 9975

[09:39:28:986 - 0x0000114C] WavClose(0x029CF9FC) - 0x00000000

[09:39:28:986 - 0x0000114C] WavOpen(C:\CommServer\localize\Prompts\ENU\AvPHGreet\AvPHGreetENU037.wav) - 0x029CF9FC

[09:39:28:986 - 0x0000114C] WavGetLength(0x029CF9FC) - 5200

[09:39:28:986 - 0x0000114C] WavClose(0x029CF9FC) - 0x00000000

[09:39:28:986 - 0x0000114C] WavOpen(0x029BAC18) - 0x029CF9FC

[09:39:28:986 - 0x0000114C] WavSetChunks(0x029CF9FC) - 0x00000000

[09:39:28:986 - 0x0000114C] WavSetPosition(0x029CF9FC | 0) - 0

[09:39:28:986 - 0x0000114C] WavSetVolume(0x029CF9FC | 50) - 0x00000000

[09:39:28:986 - 0x0000114C] WavSetSpeed(0x029CF9FC | 100) - 0x00000000

[09:39:59:029 - 0x0000114C] WavPlay(0x029CF9FC) - 0xFFFFFFFF.

Are these being triggered by G729 connections by any chance?

- Ken

Ken Johnson

LeTourneau University



Cisco IP Telephony Users Group

The two types of error messages are being caused by two completely different root causes. Port lock issues like this are very difficult to handle in a forum matter. Traces will likely need to be enabled, gathered and analyzed to come to a solution.

The first error message in the post looks like a timing issue b/w the TSP and the MIU (an internal Unity component) that needs to be addressed. By just having that one event error log, we can say that the problem does not appear to be previously addressed with code.

The second set of error messages appears to be possibly codec related. At any rate, I highly suggest opening a TAC case for the issue(s).

g729 was implimented (against my wishes) throughout the lan to accomodate some ATM linked sites and given priority over 711 on the gateway... so, yes. these are probably being triggered by 729 connections.

I only ask because we ran into the same problem after upgrading to 3.1.5 with G729 connections.

Same errors - however, we also had a problem where we had not re-run the second part of setup during the upgrade (it didn't prompt me and i forgot to do it) - so we're waiting to see if that was at all conected - today will be the test as the G729 failures usually seemed to occur in the afternoon after about 6 hours of business production calls...

So not sure if this is really your issue or not - but it was certainly the first time we'd ever run into G729 issues :-)

- Ken

3.1.3 with g729. clean install.

good luck with yours.. i know i'll need it with mine.
