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Blocking callers

Chris Deren
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

Is there a way to somehow block particular DNs from calling another range of DNs across intercluster trunk. For example I need DN 1000 from one cluster dials DN 2000 on another cluster should be blocked, but DN 1001 should go through.


3 Replies 3

Level 7
Level 7

The first thing that comes to mind ivolves have the DNs in different Calling Search Spaces and Partitions. You have to configure what partitions can call each other by hving them in certain Calling Search Spaces. Depending on how many DNs you need to do this for it may get a little complex. An example. Partition1 in CSS-A can call Partition2 in CSS-B but Partition1 cannot call Partition3 in CSS-C

Hope this helps.

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Well, the ICT is associated with CSS-A only, so if I can block incoming calls to partion-B on the ICT. But this will block all calls from ICT to partiton-b. How can I block only certain callers from ICT?


Ok, the way I have figured it out is block the DN on the calling CallManager ICT side by doing the following:

Create new route pattern to point to blocked DNs

Associate the route pattern with new partition

Create new Calling Search Space, do not include the above partition in this CSS

Assign the CSS to the phones that should be blocked from calling

The only caveat of this would be to that the DNs on the other side of ICT Are scattered in the 300 phone DID range, and multiple route pattern will need to be created.

Can any one come up with different solution?
