Version 3.2 of call manager is supposed to be incorporating a hands free feature. I have a School system that I am designing an AVVID Solution for. They want to use the second appearance on their 7940 two line IP Phone as an intercom line for morning or emergency announcements, etc. For instance on all of the phones in one Elementary (say a Maximum of 30), each teacher's phone would have a line appearance of say extension 1000. In the event that someone in the office wanted to make a school wide announcement, they would ring extension 1000, and in theory, if the hands free feature is enabled), all of those phones with that appearance would be able to hear the announcement and respond. My question is, is there any limitation on the number of phones that could be supported in such a way. Would such a use strain the 3524 if say 24 phones all go off hook at the same time?
Thanks in advance for any information on this.
Robert Hotchkiss, MCSE, CCNP, CCDA
Network Consultant
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