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Caller Info


Does anyone know how the caller info works? i configured everything , but i dont know how it works. it seems u get the caller info on phone . but nothing is happening here.

How do i assosiate my phone with caller phone? there seems to be no way to debug.

Any help wud be appreciated.


14 Replies 14


What do you get when you call the jsp page from a webbrowser?

Then try the same but append ?name=xyz where xyz is the name of one of your phones (SEP....).

What do you get when you call the jsp page from a webbrowser?

Then try the same but append ?name=xyz where xyz is the name of one of your phones (SEP....).

The workings of the callerinfoserver is explained in the header section of the jsp file. Basically you need to launch it once manually, that'll create an instance of the CAllerInfoServer class contained in the IP Phone SDK jar, which in turn listens to all the IP phones that your specified jtapi user (definied in the jsp file) has access to (you need to create a super user that is controlling user of all the phones that want to use the service.. the user does not need to have a primary line though). All the phones your user has access to are monitored by the CallerInfoServer, and if an incoming call is picked up, the app sends a redirect to the phone with the url of the photoservice and the DN of the caller. From that point on.. it's all on the photoservice (you do have that installed, configured and tested, don't you?)

You can also test the CallerInfoSever from the commandline:

java ip-address-of-your-ccm jtapiuser jtapiuserlogin phone-to-be monitored

For that, the IPPhoneSDK.jar must be in your classpath. This will monitor the device specified in the commandline, and give you a status update every second. It'll either tell you there's no call, or if there's a call it'll give you the DN from the source and destination.

Thanks for all the info .Photodirectory is working fine( photo clarity on 7960 is not good, can anything be done to it?)

In case of calleinfo, when i click on service, callerinfo, it gives me caller details of the person who is on the line. ie pull mode is working fine.

But Push mode is not working fine .When the same caller calls again the phone is supposed to shows up the photodir information.But it doesn't.

The caller phone is already assosiated with my phone on ccm.Do i need to set up anything else on callmanager for the caller phone?

Alright, so the JTAPI stuff is properly set up. Did you put the CiscoIPPhoneSDK.jar file into to shared/lib directory of your Tomcat installation? That makes it available to all applications. Photodirectory will also work if you put that jar file into the WEB-INF/lib directory in the directory where the photodirectory resides.

Also check that the two urls in the callerinfo jsp file are correct (call from a browser).. the 2nd url will need the special xml coding (& for &).

Finally make sure that you can push info to the phone using the push user ID and password definied in the callerinfo jsp page. I just recently had to set up the callerinfo again and it wouldn't work on one phone, but no push whatsoever would work... I couldn't even reset the phone using **#**, so I pulled the plug, and after the reboot things were okay again. Unfortunately, running in the context of Tomcat you don't get any kind of indication if the push worked or not so you might want to recompile the code and add some information logging that'll tell you if something went wrong.

I actually ended up using my own callerinfoserver because I was always getting errors from the precompiled one.. I kept getting a null value for the numbers of the active call, which caused an exception and no push was ever made. But in theory, if you can pull the info, then that problem should not ocurr.

Hope that helps..

I have placed the ciscoipphohesdk.jar under common/lib dir( im using tomacat 4.1.3) , Pushmode is not even invoking the callerinfoserver . I have to use services for the callerinfoserver to start .

i guess Callerinfoserver is supposed to start automatically when a caller calls.

Iam using callmanager userid and password for jtapiuserid and password .

Do i need to create separate jtapi userid and password?

Couldnt compile callerinfoserver separately, it gives error does not exists.

I tried with pushuserid and password and something seems to be working in push mode, but it seems it is trying to send xml to caller phone , instead of receiving end.

user id and password must match a user that is controlling user of all the phones that want to use the service.. that way you have jtapi control and you can push to all the phones.

You also need to set up the service with url http://some-ip/callerinfo.jsp?name=#DEVICENAME# but I figure you've already done that since it works in pull mode.

Are you trying internal or external calls? I notice that with incoming calls from external numbers, the two JTAPI connections are not in the same order as for calls between phones connected to the CCM. Yet, you obviously can't push to an external caller, no matter if it's just a phone connected to the CCM dialing the DID of another phone.

I find it highly unlikely that for internal calls the push is sent to the wrong phone.. I've been using the app since CCM 4.01 up to 4.0.2 going through all the SRs and I've never had any problems. You didn't by any chance make a call in between two phones on a shared extension, did you?

about the compilation issue: make sure your jtapi.jar is also in the classpath.

Thanks, Iam trying internal calls . But the phone at the calling end is 7912 .(i think this wont matter, will it? ) and receiving end is 7960.

I am having the same problem u had earlier. Iam getting null values for active calls. And when i go to callerinfo service when the call is on hold, firsttime it shows no active call, but when i update it , the photodir pops up.

The problem is first time it gets null values.Why is it not getting active call numbers first time itself?

I have problems with the 7960 phone after installing jtapi. Phone suddenly gets disconnected while on call . Happens frequently. Can anything be done to it ? What could be the reasons for this?


Are you sure the two things are related? What if you make sure that the jtapi user cannot monitor the phone in question? And of course make sure that you don't have a JTAPI application that accidentally disconnects calls (coding errors do happen ;)

Phone seems to be working fine now, was not able to trace out the problem, but i guess could be some code errors

Iam trying to send message from 7960 to 7960 now, pull mode is working fine, but it doesn't seem to give callerinfo as soon as the end phone rings.

In order for the JTAPI application to receive the ConnConnectedEv event (which triggers the push), the particular device and line must be in the jtapi user's domain.. in other words if you run jtrace on that line, you must see those ConnConnectedEv's.. if you don't.. no wonder the app will never make a push.

U had specified about creating a super user that is controlling user of all the phones that want to use the service.I never created a super user as such for jtapi in the call manager.I used the call manager/push username and password for jtapi username and password. How do i create a jtapi username and password for controlling other phones ?

Start/Programs/Cisco JTAP!T/ JTAPI Prefrences gives me error saying JVM cannot be loaded .

While debugging callerinfoserver it is showing :


to phone SEP##########

But it is not sending anything to the end phone,

sendData(xml) is not sending anything and not giving errors as well.