I am trying to (first time) configure a call manager cluster and getting peculiar results. I've installed the subscriber CCM, made sure that replication works, and configured all other necessary items ("Servers", "Call Manager Groups", etc.).
When I unplug the primary call manager from the network to test fail-over, the phones seem to try and re-home, but I get the following error message on the subscriber CCM:
Error: UNKNOWN_ALARM:DBLException -
ErrorCode: 26
ExceptionString: Unknown SQL driver error. Please send message to Cicso developer for Telephony D
DeviceName: SEP00308546D1F0
App ID: Cisco CallManager
Cluster ID: FQPBX01-Cluster
Node ID:
Recommended Actcon: .
Of course when I just shutting down the CallManager service on the primary (instead of unplugging it from the net), the phones re-home. What do you think could be the problem? Is the secondary CCM trying to hit the primary DB? How can I troubleshoot this?
Thank you,