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Can't call out over ICTs after switching primary and secondary CCM roles

Level 1
Level 1

I have 6 clusters with ICTs between all. I can access them with my publisher/tftp server as primary call manager. I stood up a subscriber and made it primary. Switch over registration and switch-back work great on the inside the cluster, but getting out over ICTs does not work until I place the publisher/tftp server back as primary CCM. Have bounced tftp service and also rebooted after switching roles of servers to no avail.

3 Replies 3

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Have you defined an ICT to each of the remote nodes. If you had 2 clusters each with 2 nodes you would have defined 4 ICT's.


Yes. I have 30 trunks total, 5 per cluster. I have a TAC case on this, but am working to find answer. One of the clusters is in transit. Would this cause the issue? I am the only cluster with two Call managers. The distant ICTs all point to my (Publisher) for gateway config. The ones I point at work on the publisher, just not when I use the subsciber as the primary.

I think I have an answer for my own question. I do not have H.323 trunks pointed at my subscriber call manager and therefore do not have a valid H.323 endpoint for the destination cluster to talk to. It only knows of the endpoint for my publisher. I found this info at