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Changing the computer name in CallManager

Level 1
Level 1

Is there a document outlining all the changes that need to be made in order to safely change the name of the CallManager server?

3 Replies 3

Level 1
Level 1

Changing the IP address is easy...changing the hostname however...not so much. It is extremely ill advised to do this. I haven't seen a documented procedure from Cisco or anyone else who has done this successfully. Only warnings from the voice team and support people NOT to change the name. The only *safe* way is to reinstall CallManager.

The reason this is not supported is for limitations in SQL. SQL7 is tied to the hostname and does not support changing this. SQL 2000 is also tied to the hostname and will allow it to be changed once. However, there are references to the hostname in the registry. This is why it is not supported.


I know that it is ill advised and that it is not supported by Cisco but I did do it once and it was based on a document I received while on course and it worked perfectly. Unfortunately, that was some time ago and I lost the document.

Oh well - time to rebuild!