Hello! For years, I've had a Windows 7 box setup running freeSSHd v1.3.1 on one of our Cisco voice hosts to handle the backup jobs for CUCM v10.5, UCCX v10.6, and CUXN v10.5. The only thing this Windows 7 box does is handle the backups for those 3 systems. Other than that, there is no overhead on this box at all.
However, after a recent shutdown / reboot of the hosts to update the ESXi from v5.5 to v6.5, backups have been spotty at best. There is plenty of space for the backup files on the Windows 7 box and the pre-check for staging / disk space always passes, but the jobs continuously fail with this error most frequently:
Result Code : 116-SFTP transfer failed during Backup. Either there is not enough disk space or network transfer failed due to interuption while transferring data to configured SFTP Server Result String : ERROR |
2019/04/15 01:07: Tar/sftp operation failed. 2019/04/15 01:07: BACKUP OPERATION HAS FAILED |
error writing output file tar: -: Wrote only 2048 of 10240 bytes tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now |
I've tried rebooting the Windows 7 box, changing the backup schedule times, re-associating the backup devices inside of the Disaster Recovery System, moving the Windows 7 box to the same virtual host as the CUCM, UCCX, and CUXN servers all to no avail.
Any input / recommendations is greatly appreciated.