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external call

Level 1
Level 1


When I receive an external call, for exemple from 0123456789, on the screen there's: from 123456789. It don't post the "0". How I can post it ?

And when I call a external call, I need to dial a "0" to have an external line and after my call number 0123456789 for exemple.

So when I go to "Directories" -> "receive calls", I select from 123456789, i push on dial buttom and there is an error because it missed two "0".

Thanks for your help.


1 Reply 1

Level 1
Level 1

It really depends on the version of callmanager you are running. The easiest way is with callmanager 3.2. All you need to do is make sure your directory numbers are in partitions. Create a translation pattern with wilcards that match your directory numbers. For example if your did's are 2xxx. Then create a a translation pattern of 2xxx and put it in a partition. In the translation pattern translate the called number to the same thing like 2xxx. Under calling party transformations. For prefix outgoing digits add a 0 there. Then set the gateways CSS up so that it can only call the translation pattern. Then set the CSS up on the gateway so it can call the ip phones. This should give you the result you are looking for.

Thank you,
