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Level 1
Level 1

I execute push2phone.asp and appear a problem on this file: test2cip.asp at message HERE!.

function text2cip(text, fontfile, locationx, locationy, color, backcolor)


var xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject("msxml2.DOMDocument");

var root;

var oNodeList;

var Item;

var i;

xmlDoc.async = false;


!!!!!!!!!!HERE !!!!!!!

root = xmlDoc.documentElement;

oNodeList = root.childNodes;


Anyone can help me?


16 Replies 16
Level 5
Level 5

One possibility is that the xml parser in your OS is not up to date... have you checked that?

Look here for MSXML downloads:

(Note that you can run the XML Parser 3.0 and the MSXML Core Services 4.0 concurrently, as 4.0 doesn't support all of the older features of 3.0 (not fully backwards compatible)).

For additional information on XML parsers here's another resource:

which contains a "sniffer" that will check out your current XML parser info:

I would expect it to fail closer to the creation of the DOM object, but you never know.

Thanks for your help.I install the MSXML.

Now I don't receive error message.

I receive this message: "okMessage Sent to SEP0123456 (" but the message don't appear on the phone.

What model of phone are you attempting to push the message to?

Is it a text message, or does it contain graphics?

What version of CallManager are you using?

Did you enter the correct username and password for that phone?

My phone model: 7940G

message: only text (Hello!)

CallManager version: 3.3.3

my username and password is ok!

I can use two "servers"WinME + PWS or Win2000 SP4. In both of them don't works. At the first, I have the message that send the message. In the second, I have the error on text2cip.asp.

I want to know how to determine my XML parser verssion? I don't know if I intall the MSXML on the rigth folders.

To check what version of XML parsers you have installed, browse to this page with IE:

Also, when push2phone tells you it sent the message, is the IP that it reports the correct IP for that phone? Also, do you hear the sound on the IP phone, or does nothing happen at all?

You can also look to check the return value from phonepush2() (on line 184) to see what the response text is, if there is any. It should return the CiscoIPPhoneResponse message to give you an indication of what is going on...

And of course you could sniff the network traffic to see what is happening under the surface...


I execute this URL and same box apears checked:





I When the message apears at my browser, both the MAC and the IP is correct!

I don't hear any sound and nothing happen on the phone.

I try to see the return value from phonepush2() but I can't.

And finaly, I instal one sniffer and capture the packets. I sow it but I didn't find any error message.

If can you continue help me with others test...


For xml parsers I have something similar, though I have 4.0 support:






Did you try resetting/turn off the phone to let it reset? Did you try pushing the message to a different phone?

You could try modifying the call to phonePush2 to a Response.Write, which should display the return message from the phone, if any, something like this:

Response.Write(phonePush2(ipAddr, thispage + "?action=get", "Play:chime.raw", pushuserid, pushpassword));

When you were sniffing the network traffic, did you see the CiscoIPPhoneExecute command being sent to the phone? Did you not see any CiscoIPPhoneResponse message being sent back?

- I did this:

- I resetting the phone;

- I execute the asp and apears the same message;

- I change the POST to GET (line 84) to see the get message and I receive this:


- I try to send message to other phone and I receive this:


- I change GET to POST (line 84)

- I write the line ==> Response.write(ipAddr + thispage + "?action=get" + "Play:chime.raw" + pushuserid + pushpassword);

- I receive this: http://localhosst/push2phone.asp?action=getPlay:chime.rawbob12345

- I install ethereal

_ I see my host send HTTP POST /cgi/ExecuteHTTP/1.1 to the Phone. Next, I see my phone send one "HTTP /1.1 200 ok" to my host, but at the end of the message apears "CiscoIPPhone honeError Number="4""

CiscoIPPhone Error Number="4"


Error number 4 is an authentication error, as noted in the SDK and this reference:

The following error codes can result from a PUSH.

Error 1 = Error parsing CiscoIPPhoneExecute object

Error 2 = Error framing CiscoIPPhoneResponse object

Error 3 = Internal file error

Error 4 = Authentication error

Check the username (the variable pushuserid) and password (the variable pushpassword ) that you set in the push2phone.asp script. This userid should be associated with the phone that you are pushing the message to (check CallManager Administration Global Directory). The push2phone script needs permission to push a message to the phone.

Please, can you answer this questions:

I already verified the user, password and I deleted it and created it again. This user is now associate with my phone. But don't work. I asssociate this user with other phone and don't work too. The message that I receive shows has Phone Name associated with IP phone correctly.

"Authentication error" has anything about Active Directory of CCM or The option " Enable Authentication Proxy rigths" on the CallManager'user page ?

I use HTML page to verify that the username and password are correct and the result was:

So can I still work with probability of XML version problem? Or can I see only this "Authentication error" first?


Since you seem to be sending and receiving XML messages, I would assume your xml parser is working. I suggest focusing on the Authentication error first.

I Already made some test with user and password. I am finding that the problem is in the CallManager therefore don't has integration of it with mine Activates Directory and I didn't configured nothing in the LDAP. What you suggest that I make.

You might also want to try resetting the phone, even a couple times.

Also try the push against another phone and see if that works.

If you check the response, you might be getting the "Request Busy" message. This is documented as normal behaviour when the phone's directory is being displayed, but you may get that return value at other times for no apparent reason as well. Try resetting the phone from CM/cycle the power, it may clear itself up when the phone realizes it's not "busy"...

download ethereal, install it in a place where you can monitor the http traffic between the call manager, your application server and your phone. I have one ethereal running on my cm and one on my application server. Start capturing packets, set the filter to http, and make your push.. then follow the packets and most likely you'll see what goes wrong. Basically you care about the phone's reply to the http post request you make.