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refresh url in CiscoIPPhoneDirectory


Has anyone tried putting multiple parameters in the refresh url of a CiscoIPPhoneDirectory?

I put 4 parameters there, verify that they are properly set in the response from my webserver, yet when I push the refresh button, the server only gets one of those four parameters, the rest is not set.

5 Replies 5
Level 5
Level 5

Hi Stephan,

Do you mean parameters on the url?


Response.AddHeader( "Refresh", "3; url=");

Or something else?

And does it work with other objects, and not with the directory, or are you just using this with the directory at the moment?

exactly that.. except for the CiscoIPPhoneDirectory you don't set a refresh number obviously.. you use the SoftKey:Refresh that manually triggers the refresh and gets page two with results 33 and up to 64.

Interestingly, in xmldirectorylist.asp (c:\ciscowebs\ipphoneservices\ccmcip\) they use a string like this:

Response.AddHeader("Refresh", "; url=" + getBaseURL() + "xmldirectorylist.asp?" + querystring + "&start=" + start);

so that means at least two parameters ought to work. Time to go over my code again.. I didn't start the 2nd parameter with "; " before putting the url and I just got a very bad feeling about mixing regular url with xml encoded ones..

It was my fault after all.. now it sorta works (still having some weird issues when I add a back key but I better go over the code again and do some http traffic tracing).

Did you need to escape the ampersand in the additional url parameters?

I'm not sure if the semicolon is mandatory in the content specification when no seconds are indicated. I didn't find any examples of that on google. That's pretty interesting!

Actually, I escaped my refresh url where I wouldn't have to (after all.. it's not a part that is being parsed by the XML parser on the phone, but a part that is directly dealt with by the webbrowser in the phone).. it's a HTTP element rather than an XML one. Of course, I could also just have used a standard button with an url to go to the next page.. but that's a detail (after all, there's no going back using a SoftKey but rather you have to use a real url (I suppose SoftKey:Cancel would work too, I'll test that tomorrow).

I can also test if I really need to prepend "; " to my refresh url or if it works without.