our reporting DB is corupted (see log report bellow). where can I founde ASE errorlog?
Aug 5 10:17:50 SCEserver-01-BB1 sybase_init: 00:00000:00001:2011/08/05 10:17:50.54 server Error: 926, Severity: 14, State: 1
Aug 5 10:17:50 SCEserver-01-BB1 sybase_init: 00:00000:00001:2011/08/05 10:17:50.54 server Database 'apricot' cannot be opened. An earlier attempt at recovery marked it 'suspect'. Check the ASE errorlog for information as to the cause.
Aug 5 10:17:50 SCEserver-01-BB1 sybase_init: 00:00000:00001:2011/08/05 10:17:50.54 server Unable to proceed with the recovery of dbid <4> because of previous errors.
If it's corrupted, is it possible reinitialize it?