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ISG prepaid feature issue

Level 1
Level 1

Good day.

Can't get the prepaid feature on ISG to work.

I've got virtual BRAS on a base of GNS3 emulating Cisco 7200:

R2#sh ver

Cisco IOS Software, 7200 Software (C7200-ADVIPSERVICESK9-M), Version 12.2(33)SRD3, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc3)

Technical Support:

Copyright (c) 1986-2009 by Cisco Systems, Inc.

Compiled Thu 10-Sep-09 08:51 by prod_rel_team

ROM: ROMMON Emulation Microcode

R2 uptime is 1 hour, 59 minutes

System returned to ROM by unknown reload cause - suspect boot_data[BOOT_COUNT] 0x0, BOOT_COUNT 0, BOOTDATA 19

System restarted at 23:42:03 MDT Mon Aug 1 2011

System image file is "tftp://"

Cisco 7206VXR (NPE400) processor (revision A) with 245760K/16384K bytes of memory.

Processor board ID 4294967295

R7000 CPU at 150Mhz, Implementation 0x27, Rev 2.1, 256KB L2 Cache

6 slot VXR midplane, Version 2.1

Last reset from power-on

PCI bus mb0_mb1 (Slots 0, 1, 3 and 5) has a capacity of 600 bandwidth points.

Current configuration on bus mb0_mb1 has a total of 800 bandwidth points.

The set of PA-2FE, PA-POS-2OC3, and I/O-2FE qualify for "half

bandwidth points" consideration, when full bandwidth point counting

results in oversubscription, under the condition that only one of the

two ports is used. With this adjustment, current configuration on bus

mb0_mb1 has a total of 800 bandwidth points.

This configuration has oversubscripted the PCI bus and is not a

supported configuration.

PCI bus mb2 (Slots 2, 4, 6) has a capacity of 600 bandwidth points.

Current configuration on bus mb2 has a total of 400 bandwidth points

This configuration is within the PCI bus capacity and is supported.

Please refer to the following document "Cisco 7200 Series Port Adaptor

Hardware Configuration Guidelines" on <>

for c7200 bandwidth points oversubscription and usage guidelines.

WARNING: PCI bus mb0_mb1 Exceeds 600 bandwidth points

1 Ethernet interface

3 Gigabit Ethernet interfaces

125K bytes of NVRAM.

65536K bytes of ATA PCMCIA card at slot 0 (Sector size 512 bytes).

8192K bytes of Flash internal SIMM (Sector size 256K).

Configuration register is 0x2102

prepaid-configuration doesn't "stick" to the service. Configuration follows:

Freeradius user and service config:

"000c.29fe.750d"        Cleartext-Password := "ISG"

                        Cisco-Account-Info += "AInternet",

                        Cisco-Service-Info += "NInternet",

Internet                Cleartext-Password := "cisco"

                        Cisco-Service-Info += "IInternet",

                        Cisco-Avpair += "traffic-class=input access-group 100",

                        Cisco-Avpair += "traffic-class=output access-group 100",

                        Cisco-Avpair += "prepaid-config=default",

                        Cisco-Service-Info += "QU;512000;16000;16000;D;512000;16000;16000"

Cisco relevant configuration:


interface GigabitEthernet0/0

ip address

ip nat inside

media-type gbic

speed 1000

duplex full

negotiation auto

no keepalive

no cdp enable

service-policy type control ISG

ip subscriber l2-connected

  initiator dhcp


control policy-map:

R2#sh run | sec policy-map

policy-map type control ISG

class type control TIMER event timed-policy-expiry

  1 service disconnect


class type control UNAUTH event session-restart

  1 authorize aaa list ISG password ISG identifier mac-address

  2 service-policy type service aaa list ISG name REDIRECT

  3 set-timer TIMER 5


class type control always event quota-depleted

  1 set-param drop-traffic FALSE


class type control always event credit-exhausted

  1 service-policy type service aaa list ISG name REDIRECT


access-list 100:

R2#sh ip access-lists 100

Extended IP access list 100

    10 permit ip any any (1326 matches)


radius-server attribute 44 include-in-access-req

radius-server attribute 55 include-in-acct-req

Session starts ok, but prepaid feature is not active:

R2#sh sss session detailed

Current Subscriber Information: Total sessions 1


Unique Session ID: 36


SIP subscriber access type(s): Traffic-Class

Current SIP options: None

Session Up-time: 00:00:10, Last Changed: 00:00:10

Policy information:

  Context 663194BC: Handle 91000032

  AAA_id 00000022: Flow_handle 1

  Authentication status: unauthen

  Downloaded User profile, including services:

    ssg-service-info     "IInternet"

    traffic-class        "input access-group 100"

    traffic-class        "output access-group 100"

    ssg-service-info     "QU;512000;16000;16000;D;512000;16000;16000"

  Config history for session (recent to oldest):

    Access-type: Web-service-logon Client: Service Command-Handler

     Policy event: Service-Start (Service)

      Profile name: Internet, 4 references

        ssg-service-info     "IInternet"

        traffic-class        "input access-group 100"

        traffic-class        "output access-group 100"

        ssg-service-info     "QU;512000;16000;16000;D;512000;16000;16000"

  Prepaid context: default

    threshold time 0 seconds

    threshold volume 0 bytes

    method-list author default

    method-list accounting default

    password cisco

    Interim accounting disabled


    Flow idle at last re-author ? NO

    Total idle time 0 seconds

    Are we accounting for time consumed ? YES

    Acct start sent ? NO

Session inbound features:

Feature: Policing

Upstream Params:

Average rate = 512000, Normal burst = 16000, Excess burst = 16000

Config level = Service Profile

Session outbound features:

Feature: Policing

Dnstream Params:

Average rate = 512000, Normal burst = 16000, Excess burst = 16000

Config level = Service Profile

Configuration sources associated with this session:

Service: Internet, Active Time = 00:00:12


Unique Session ID: 35

Identifier: 000c.29fe.750d

SIP subscriber access type(s): IP

Current SIP options: Req Fwding/Req Fwded

Session Up-time: 00:00:12, Last Changed: 00:00:12

Policy information:

  Context 6631965C: Handle 82000031

  AAA_id 00000022: Flow_handle 0

  Authentication status: authen

  Downloaded User profile, excluding services:

    ssg-account-info     "AInternet"

    ssg-service-info     "NInternet"

    clid-mac-addr        00 0C 29 FE 75 0D



    config-source-dpm    True

    vendor-class-id-tag  "MSFT 5.0"

  Downloaded User profile, including services:

    ssg-account-info     "AInternet"

    ssg-service-info     "NInternet"

    ssg-service-info     "IInternet"

    traffic-class        "input access-group 100"

    traffic-class        "output access-group 100"

    ssg-service-info     "QU;512000;16000;16000;D;512000;16000;16000"

    clid-mac-addr        00 0C 29 FE 75 0D



    config-source-dpm    True

    vendor-class-id-tag  "MSFT 5.0"

  Config history for session (recent to oldest):

    Access-type: IP Client: DHCP

     Policy event: Session-Update

      Profile name: apply-config-only, 2 references

        clid-mac-addr        00 0C 29 FE 75 0D



        config-source-dpm    True

        vendor-class-id-tag  "MSFT 5.0"

    Access-type: Web-service-logon Client: SM

     Policy event: Apply Config Success (Service)

      Profile name: Internet, 4 references

        ssg-service-info     "IInternet"

        traffic-class        "input access-group 100"

        traffic-class        "output access-group 100"

        ssg-service-info     "QU;512000;16000;16000;D;512000;16000;16000"

    Access-type: IP Client: SM

     Policy event: Service Selection Request

      Profile name: 000c.29fe.750d, 2 references

        ssg-account-info     "AInternet"

        ssg-service-info     "NInternet"

  Active services associated with session:

    name "Internet"

  Rules, actions and conditions executed:

        subscriber condition-map match-all UNAUTH

          match identifier authen-status unauthenticated [TRUE]

    subscriber rule-map ISG

      condition UNAUTH event session-restart

        1 authorize aaa list ISG identifier mac-address

Session inbound features:

Traffic classes:

  Traffic class session ID: 36

   ACL Name: 100, Packets = 8, Bytes = 432

Unmatched Packets = 0, Re-classified packets (redirected) = 0

Session outbound features:

Traffic classes:

  Traffic class session ID: 36

   ACL Name: 100, Packets = 8, Bytes = 486

Unmatched Packets = 0, Re-classified packets (redirected) = 0

Configuration sources associated with this session:

Service: Internet, Active Time = 00:00:13

  AAA Service ID = 1627389967

Interface: GigabitEthernet0/0, Active Time = 00:00:14

Cisco authorizes the user, downloads service, but there's no quota request.

I can't figure out what am I missing in configuration?

3 Replies 3

Level 1
Level 1

Sometimes reading manual helps a little. Debug shows the following from session start:

#show debug

General OS:

  AAA Accounting debugging is on


  Prepaid debugs debugging is on

Aug  2 16:36:24.793 MDT: AAA/ACCT/HC(00000011): Register IEDGE_IP_SIP/82000007 64 bit counter support not configured

Aug  2 16:36:24.797 MDT: AAA/ACCT/HC(00000011): Update IEDGE_IP_SIP/82000007

Aug  2 16:36:24.797 MDT: AAA/ACCT/HC(00000011): no intf info, IEDGE_IP_SIP/82000007

Aug  2 16:36:24.801 MDT: AAA/ACCT/HC(00000011): no HC IEDGE_IP_SIP/82000007

Aug  2 16:36:24.805 MDT: AAA/ACCT/EVENT/(00000011): CALL START

Aug  2 16:36:24.805 MDT: Getting session id for NET(00000011) : db=6649D668

Aug  2 16:36:24.809 MDT: AAA/ACCT(00000000): add node, session 11

Aug  2 16:36:24.809 MDT: AAA/ACCT/NET(00000011): add, count 1

Aug  2 16:36:24.865 MDT: Getting session id for NET(00000011) : db=6649D668

Aug  2 16:36:25.005 MDT: Getting session id for NET(00000011) : db=6649D668

Aug  2 16:36:25.069 MDT: SSS PM [uid:10][64248E3C]: PREPAID:Prepaid config= PREPAID

Aug  2 16:36:25.073 MDT: SSS PM [uid:10][64248E3C]: PREPAID:No prepaid context in policy context; allocing

Aug  2 16:36:25.077 MDT: AAA/ACCT/NET(00000011): Flow id 1 created

Aug  2 16:36:25.081 MDT: AAA/ACCT/NET(00000011): add, count 1

Aug  2 16:36:25.185 MDT: SSS PM [uid:10][64248E3C]: PREPAID:Event DO_FIRST_AUTHOR, State: INIT to PROCESSING_FIRST_AUTHOR

Aug  2 16:36:25.189 MDT: SSS PM [uid:10][64248E3C]: PREPAID:Performing action: PROCESS_FIRST_AUTHOR

Aug  2 16:36:25.201 MDT: SSS PM [uid:10][64248E3C]: PREPAID:Suspending first author till IPCP_PASS

Last line seems to be the problem - "Suspending first author till IPCP_PASS". What is this IPCP_PASS? It seems to be somehow connected to accounting, but I can't figure it out.


Did you get this to work? If do you mind sharing the solution?


I don't recall the exact solution, as it was a while ago, and we're no longer using Cisco ISG in production.

As far as I remember, this configuration is correct. It was a GNS3-only bug - it didn't appear in real-life installation.

Anyway, there's plenty of working examples of ISG with prepaid on the Internet.