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VPN Client and Windows 7 - Window won't show

Bizarre issue I've now experienced on two separate PC's with VPN Client on 32-bit Windows 7:

Out of the blue, when the user double-clicks the Cisco VPN Client icon, the lock shows up in the system tray, and the application shows in the taskbar. You may get a glimpse of the window when you double-click the taskbar icon, or single click it and choose the application from the list. However, you are not able to actually get the window to be visible. This of course makes it impossible for the user to click the "connect" button.

I've discovered that when the icon is in the taskbar, and you hit "Enter" on the keyboard, it will connect. However I wouldn't expect a user to be able to figure this out, and so it was quite frustrating for them when this happened.

I've noticed there is a new version of the software for 64-bit users, but not for 32.

Anybody else experience this? Find a solution?

I tried uninstalling/re-installing and it made no difference.


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