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Fiber connection between c4503 and c2960x not working

Bernd Ziller
Level 1
Level 1

I just tried to establish a fiber connection between a c4503 and a c2960x using glc-lh-sm modules on both sides, but with no success.

Link comes up on the c2960x but not on the c4503.

I tried "speed nonegotiate" on both sides: link comes up on both sides, but no data received on both sides.

A connection between a c2960-24LC-S and the c2960X-24PD-L works fine, as does a connection between the c2960-24LC-S and the c4503.

All on the same ports and modules and also different ports an modules per switch.

Any suggestions on why a connection between the c4503 and the c2960X doesn't work?

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