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Hunt Pilot Summary Reports

Level 1
Level 1

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The Hunt Pilot Summary?

For No.of Calls Abandoned(Not Answered nor Redirected) or No.of Calls Forwarded due to no Answer(FONA) or No.of Calls No.of Calls Failed Forwarded due to Busy(FOB) I have value of 0.

Why is that?

I attached the files, with one month report.

We have set up Call Handler in unity, who ever calls and press 0 goes to this Hunt Pilot 5070, and if none picks up the phone or busy it goes to voicemail.

CDR Enabled Flag is True, and CDR Log Calls with Zero Duration Flas is False.

We have a server that's collects all the logs and we are using the "OfficeWatch" app, but the numbers doesn't match. Incoming calls for hunt pilot from the attached file doesn't match the logs from the server that's collecting the logs. As you can see it in the attached files, CDR reporting says that  the number of calls per month is 2550 calls, but the report from the server that's collecting the calls is 1579. That's a big difference.

My manager asked me how many calls did we received for the Hunt Pilot 5070, and I'm confused, which one should I use.

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