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WebRTC Error Unable to cponnect Media - Rejoin Meeting

Hi ,


Recently deployed CMS 3.0.1 and integrate with Expressway to use TURN for webRTC. Expresway reelase X12.6.2.

I am able to access the URL from internet and join the space meeting. but i am not able to see any audio or video (not even lobby message) and it straight gives me error as Unable to connect Media.


When i looked at the expressway logs, i could see error as

"Allocate Error Response with nounce realm: cms lifetime:9 UDP error-code:401 (Unauthorised)"

i verified with the realm : cms and the password used in both expressway E and CMS.


appreciated if anyone can guide me further on this.






Response image.png


another point noticed that the lifetime is very small 9 second, will it be causing the issue. how do i increase it


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