01-12-2022 12:59 PM
I have a scenario and wondering if any members here are from a call centre environment who have had similar issues.
My scenario is:
Our softphone system is Cisco Jabber
Our Agent call routing and dialer is Cisco Finesse
Our internal meetings and communications are Microsoft Teams
Our agents need to log into Cisco Jabber, then Cisco Finesse, then Microsoft Teams at the beginning of their shift.
What we have been encountering for the past year is that Cisco Finesse will disconnect or give a connection failure to our agents intermittently during their shift. They would then have to re-login to Cisco Finesse.
We've been investigating this issue for the past year.
We've updated Chrome browser, had agents use finesse in it's own browser and not minimize, switch agent to the Firefox browser for Cisco Finesse only.
The one thing we've tried that eliminated the disconnection is when we run Microsoft Teams on either a completely different computer (yes we supplied some agents with 2 computers for testing) or on their mobile phones. Once we eliminated Microsoft Teams from the same computer that Cisco Finesse was running on, they no longer had disconnect or connection failures.
Is it possible that the 2 programs, because they are both audio based, are fighting to take over the agent's audio controls? When on a Teams meeting, Microsoft Teams will disconnect Cisco Finesse?
Is there some type of add-on or connector that will allow for both programs to run together?