07-15-2022 02:14 AM
i have upgraded quite a few of the CSPC data collectors to the 2.10 main stream.
however, as these servers have been online for a while i was working on installing the patch towards
so i tried to login into the CLI, the admin account seems expired. starting a session returns:
"your account has expired; please contact your system administrator"
the password is ok, but we can't login using the CLI admin-account or the CLI collectorlogin userids we had saved and changed the expiration policies to not expire. is there a way to fix this ?
The CSPC GUI at port 8001 can still be reached: the server itself is available?
this looks like a change in the CSPC server configuration/security rules?
anyone here who knows how i can prevent this server to expire the admin-account?
During install it's stated that if i loose the password i need to reinstall, but i havem't lost the password, somewhere the account got expired. This seems a change from the <2.10.X.X versions?