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Mostly unsatisfied

Level 1
Level 1

Almost three weeks ago I purchased a brand new RV320. Based on the brand and the presumed maturity of the product, I made this choice and proved one of the worst acquisitions ever.

I have two providers: WAN 1 with Static IP, and WAN 2 dynamic. Both worked perfectly for years on a TPLINK 6020. The provider for the Static IP asked me for the MAC of the WAN 1 because they have a MAC filter.

Immediately after setup, in 10 seconds, the Static connection on WAN 1 goes inactive, just after the first check of the Network Service Detection. I introduced as many as possible information’s, such as my ISP host, a remote host ( and google as DNS host and seemed that is OK but is not. Every few hours, from 3 to 24, the internet connection goes down, even if I can access the router on LAN and WAN 2 is perfect. So even if WAN 1 is not inactive, is still blocking the entire router and nobody access the internet. And I repeat, WAN 2 is perfectly ok.

If I disable WAN 1, I have immediately access to internet and everything is OK for some time, until I enable WAN 1 again.

I will try now with Network Service Detection disabled but is something that I want to avoid, as long as the router is in load balance and I do not know what will happen if WAN 1 goes down.

As an additional information, the log on boot shows that the connection goes down even during the boot session.

Also, the second problem, the one with the certificate. All the time when I connect to the router says that the certificate has security problems. The only solution was to access the router with http instead of https, but this is again a compromise.

Sadly is the fact that I saw these issues on very old posts, so this makes me wonder how is possible to have them for years and no solutions.

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