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Need to assign More IP's using RV325 Router

Level 1
Level 1

Hi all. I'm new to Networking at this level so any help will be greatly appreciated. I have scoured for information about this but nothing seems to pop out at me, at least that's to say nothing I understand about what I may have seen previously appears to match my needs.

I am a computer security consultant. Though I have previously applied minor networking fixes within residential settings, I do not normally apply my networking abilities (or lack there of) in larger settings that require more resources but I now find myself in this situation.

Here's the layout;

I am working for an up start manufacturing facility in my home town, they have about 50 workstations that comprise of laptops, desktops, printers and mobile devices. There are no current plans to deploy a Server, at this point, the plan is to simply run a SOHO network (I'm not a fan but whatever...). As this is an "up start" company, there is a budget concern so if I can limit this task to the resources currently available, that'd be great but if the suggestions are for more resources, I suppose I'll have to deal with it!

The Network gear currently available (That I have been tasked with setting up);

1 x Cisco RV325 - currently connected and being used

1 x TP link TL-2452 Switch - not currently being used

The request is to provide more than 50 DHCP assigned IP's to the network so that all devices can communicate and share/access the internet and each others resources as well as access a backup hard drive that is connected directly to the router. 

Currently, without using the switch, we can provide IP's to 50 devices. The question I have been asked is, without deploying the switch whether or not the router itself could serve out more DHCP assigned IP's to devices within the logical segment and have all devices see and communicate with each other regardless of the number of devices. If this is possible, I'd like some pointers on how this can be done and or directions to the nearest documented resources that can assist me in this venture. 


Thanks in Advance

10 Replies 10

Glenn Martin
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Hello BNear0017:

DHCP Configuration can be found by navigating to DHCP>DHCP Setup

I'm not sure what you mean by: "have all devices see and communicate with each other regardless of the number of devices






Sorry for making this sound confusing, as I previously stated; "I'm new to Networking at this level..." and "I have scoured for information about this but nothing seems to pop out at me, at least that's to say nothing I understand..."

With that in mind, I'm sure you can understand that I may not be conveying myself correctly given that I have very limited experience with networking devices at this level. The two answers thus far do shed some light on things that were previously dark.

When I stated that I wanted all devices to communicate with each other regardless of the number of devices, what I was eluding to without actually introducing it as a suggestion is this; I know the router can deploy Vlans but, if Vlans are used, in order for all connected devices to see each other, additional configuration, that is certainly above my scope, will be required. So I just need to know if 50 IP's is the max the router assigns without the use of switches or implementation of Vlans.

cchamorr suggests the router can provide over 253 IP's but when I attempted to change the number of IP's in the range of, the range simply stays at - and does not appear to allow me to add more IP's to that specific range. The way it looks now is that, using Vlans, I would need to create another segment with the range of which is not ideal. I do now understand the need for a switch added to the mix as I obviously have no physical way of connecting all the required devices without it.

The user guide for the RV325 explains the DHCP settings in a rather vague way, for instance, the guide states that "The range can be up to the maximum number of IP addresses that the server can assign..." but again, no server is currently deployed so, the question is, and simply because the user guide does not address it, how do I change the DHCP assigned IP's from the current 50 assigned to something more?

We will forthwith assume that I will now use the switch!

Hello And thank you for the reply.

I understand your issue better now.

To answer your questions:

1- The router can assign 253 IP addresses on a single VLAN.

2- No need to create another VLAN on the device.

3- The only thing you need to do to change the amount of addresses available is to go to DHCP - DHCP Setup and then change the values for Range Start and End as on the example attached. I'm assuming the IP address for your router is

Those two fields are editable and you can change the beginning and the end of the range without issue, if you are not able to do so then try a different browser and if it is still not letting you, please post a screenshot of the issue so that I can understand it better.

I hope this helps.

Hey cchamorr, now I get it. I will make the changes then come back here and check off on the correct answer button if all goes well. It won't be until next week at some point but I assure you I'll do it.

Where I went wrong previously was not changing the start range from 100 to something much less therefore the range I was attempting to enter was pushing the allowable IP assignments well past what the router supports, for instance, I tried a range that appeared as follows; -


The trouble is the range is actually beyond the allowable because the router assumes the first 99 IP's are assigned which would make the router think that there are actually 350 IP's being requested? In the form of a question because I am not sure if I'm right with this assumption.


I'm not sure why that range wouldn't work as it is valid. On your example you are telling the router to assign ip addresses from 192.168.100 all the way up to 250 which means that you will have 151 addresses available.

Go ahead and try the settings I recommended and if it doesn't work we may need to see your support options to work with you over the phone as that configuration should work with no problem.

Have a nice weekend

OK, I'll let you know. As I said earlier though, it likely won't be until sometime next week as I won't be able to get to my Client until then. I'm pretty sure though, that your earlier advise is going to work but if not, I may need to take you up on the support option. The sad thing is that the ISP supplying the router hasn't even bothered to respond for a service request which doesn't sit well with me.

You've been most helpful so full marks on that for Cisco and its team!

I noticed on my RV325 that PPTP VPN and SSL VPN are enabled by default and start at IP .150....   therefore when attempting to change the DHCP scope, it errorred saying that ranges overlap.  Just disable PPTP, SSL (or re-assign if needed).  Then you can expand your range.

Hi I have the same problem, How can i disable the PPTP and SSL, and have a range end to 250 in the DHCP Mode


So I would like to start at and end the DHCP to 192.168.250


Please help



Level 5
Level 5


I think your question is a little confusing and we need more clarification.

The router itself is capable of providing 253 IP addresses on the same subnet (Not counting the IP address of the router itself).

You don't need any other devices for the router to be able to do that.

You do need a way to connect the 50 devices as you can only connect 4 units directly to the router and that will be the only reason to use the switch on your scenario, to be able to connect more devices.

With this information in mind, could you please clarify what exactly is your question?


Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

If you need more DHCP IPs than the available 253,provided by the DHCP, then you will need to look into configuring a NAT in your environment.


A NAT (Network Address Translation), as quoted from Google, "is a way to map an entire network (or networks) to a single IP address. NAT is necessary when the number of IP addresses assigned to you by your Internet Service Provider is less than the total number of computers that you wish to provide Internet access for."