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RV042G firmware update failed

Level 1
Level 1



Apparently I did the classic mistake when updating RV042G (V1) firmware. I closed the browser window during the process and now RV042G is bricked.

It responds to ping at, but I can not push the correct firmware via TFTP.

Can somebody give a correct procedure for TFTP recovery?




8 Replies 8

Tom Watts
VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni

Try info on this post.

-Tom Please mark answered for helpful posts

Thanks Tom.

I saw it earlier. I tried putting firmware to already. It did not succeed.

What I really would like to know:

Is rv042g acting as a tftp server and accepts whatever one puts there. Or is it in tfto client mode looking for a tftp server in known ip address which is offering firmware with fixed filename?

Strange that Cisco has no utility for g series. Only older rv042 series.





It should be client mode looking to pull the software.

The older versions had the utility that kind of did that for you.

-Tom Please mark answered for helpful posts

Level 1
Level 1

I had this problem too with my RV042G, which was just outside the 12 month warranty. However, I did not close the browser window and the process failed when the computer indicated that the router was re-booting.

Cisco could not help and suggested I buy a support contract! Very poor show considering this must be their bug.

All that is actually required is a TFTP client to interact with the router's boot-loader, which is just waiting to help.

Original information for this was found on:

Many thanks are due to the author!

Also useful reading is:

When running on my Mac, the following commands were issued (make sure your computer is on same subnet with an address such as etc):


tftp> connect

tftp> binary

tftp> put RV0XX-v4.2.3.07-20151008-code.bin

Sent 26284032 bytes in 9.4 seconds

tftp> quit

Make sure the 'DIAG' LED is flashing before you start. Once the tftp transfer is complete, the 'DIAG' LED should light solid while the router programs its flash memory and then reboots. I did have to try twice before the procedure succeeded - just power off the router between attempts.

I hope that this helps prevent your otherwise-good router finding its way to the bin.


This process worked for me, thanks Paulppast!

I had to use a windows machine to upload the firmware file, so I had to download a TFTP client. I used TFTPd32 from (The page says TFTP Server, but it contains a client as well) .

To others trying this, if you are impatient like me, be sure to give the router time to flash and reboot. It takes 3 - 5 minutes for the process to complete, the DIAG light should be solid amber that whole time, then it will reboot automatically.

Thank you for emphasising this, Matthew. The process certainly does take a few minute to complete and it is most important not to interrupt it in anyway until the router re-boots on its own. Otherwise I suspect that you will be back to square one!

The TFTP client and link provided by Matthew works great.   

After manually setting the iv4   

Disabling firewall and pinging the router 

Start TFTP software select  TFTP Client

  • Select Server Interface (the controller used)
  • Enter Host IP
  • Local File (The Firmware Location)
  • Press the Put button (File transfers) 
  • The DIAG LED changes from flashing yellow to a solid yellow, then after 3-5 minutes disappears. (the router is now unbricked) 

Thanks Matthew,

After 11 months I finally have bricked RV042G alive again.

It seems that the right TFTP tool was needed. This TFTPd32 (I actually used 64b version) worked. I have tried 2 different TFTP clients during this time but this did the trick.

Thanks again for everyone in this thread.
