I just thought if it's possible to make sure that only approved IP addresses for each of divisions of a company can be used.
Case scenario:
I have Public IP addresses range: pu.bl.ic.0/24
My gateway is: pu.bl.ic.254/24
Now on other side of router (no NAT) I have switch which connects divisions' routers to the internet.
The question is:
How can I assign for a port one/more public addresses and be sure that only this port is using it/them. Thing is I have only one 24 bit public Network ID provided to me by ISP. One IP address of the range is used for ISP's gateway. So I have 253 addresses to be distributed among divisions. However to avoid IP address conflicts I have to be sure that only dedicated for a division IP address/es is/are used by the division.
Router is 2821.
Switch is 2950.
I hope I have explained the issue correctly