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ASR 920 boot fail

Level 1
Level 1

I have an ASR920 that can't load from USB0. The output shows...


rommon 6 > boot usb0:asr920-universalk9_npe.16.11.01a.SPA.bin
Located asr920-universalk9_npe.16.11.01a.SPA.bin, start cluster is 173301

Image loaded
Boot image size = 452839699 (0x1afdc913) bytes

get_mac_addr: Couldn't find a valid macaddr
ROM:RSA Self Test hash Mismatch in long long word No. 0
ROM:Sha512 Self Test
Unknown image structure
boot: error executing "boot usb0:asr920-universalk9_npe.16.11.01a.SPA.bin"


I also can't load the image from bootflash: so I am not sure what the issue is. Can anyone give me some insight into the issue?

25 Replies 25

I see what you are referring to, the workaround has me puzzled.


Copy all the necessary sub packages onto fixed storage (harddisk or bootflash) and boot using .conf file.


Where do I get the "necessary sub packages" from?

If you have any 920 around that is working.

I found a ASR920 that is working, but it is not clear to me what files (packages) to grab from the bootflash. What am I supposed to copy from the working ASR920?

Everything with a PKG file extension and the packages.conf file.

boot flash:asr920-universalk9_npe.17.03.04.SPA.bin

Agree with @balaji.bandi and boot that first. 

If that boots up properly then we go to the next step to determine why 16.9.7 is being rejected.  

Here is what happens when I type out your command. I responded to balaji.bandi with another error regarding loading from bootflash.

rommon 4 > boot flash:asr920-universalk9_npe.17.03.04.SPA.bin
boot: unsupported boot device "flash"

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee


Giving the fact that you have an ASR-920-12SZ-A router I went to Cisco Software Download page and searched for the IOS-XE 17.3.4 image with Non Payload Encryption:


The name of the image you're trying to load doesn't match the supposed image you're supposed to run. The correct image name is:


And you're trying to load:


Is it possible for you to download the image from the link above and give it a try and boot with it?



Marin Grabovschi

The link for the Image says I need an entitlement in order to initiate the download.

You need to contact cisco partner to help you, get download. i do get some time, so i contact Local Cisco partner help this to download for you.



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faced the same issue, tried to boot from different  ios from USB as suggested by cisco. (16.6.4 MD & 3.18.9SP MD)

But failed to boot, This means that the bootflash of the device is corrupted and cannot be recovered. CISCO TAC suggested to go for RMA.

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

This is the wrong Software version for this platform. ASR-920-12SZ-A will have an igp in the software version name. Such as asr920igp-universalk9.17.09.02a.SPA.bin or asr920igp-universalk9_npe.16.11.01c.SPA.bin.

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