We have a large industrial network with lots of Connected Grid Routers (CGR 2010) distributed in vast area. The considering point is that on all Routers , a switch module ( addressed GRWIC-8PC) has been installed.
We desire to implement a network based on dark fiber backbone with the below conditions:
- In each site which the CGR2010 has been installed on it, 4 fiber optic links arrive and departure.
- To fulfill the situation in above mentioned, 2 built-in ports of Router and 2 Giga ports of switch module should be utilized.
The Problem is:
When all ports connect together based on the above figure, the received bandwidth in points A and B equal to 10 MGBPS. However, the expected bandwidth is 1GBPS.
In tests have been performed, built-in ports on CGR2010 ,support the bandwidth equals to 1G but the point should be considered is that the traffics of Gig ports in switch, while crossing from Port-Channel48 in CGR-2010 routers and switches backplane, enter to the 8 virtual FE ports. Finally , the bandwidth at end points would be 100MBPS.
The Answer is needed
“ we need to receive exact 1 GBPS in all ports of routers and Gig ports of switches”