When running command sh ip nat trans got this error below.
Incomplete ESP translations:
0 esp_conn=0x45542878, hanging off nat entry 0x49C38E18
1 esp_conn=0x45542858, hanging off nat entry 0x4AB462D0
2 esp_conn=0x455428F8, hanging off nat entry 0x4A87AD58
3 esp_conn=0x45542918, hanging off nat entry 0x49C28F00
4 esp_conn=0x45542898, hanging off nat entry 0x474E9808
5 esp_conn=0x45542938, hanging off nat entry 0x4A5B3650
this is the only ip nat configuration:
ip nat inside source list 10 interface GigabitEthernet0/0 overload
Does anybody know about the above error?