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Unable to telnet to or from router

Level 1
Level 1

Hi guys,  i am currently having an issue with telnetting to a router on my network.  The router is working fine, and is contactable.  I am trying to telnet to the router from a subnet

Here's what ive tested so far:

I can ping the router remotely but cannot telnet to the router

If i connect to a device on the same subnet as the router, i can then telnet to the router successfully.

I cannot telnet out of the router to any device on the network including devices on the local subnet

I can ping any device in the network including devices on other subnets from the CLI

Below is an attached copy of the router config.  Can someone please have a look and see if they can identify what they issue might be.

RTR#sh conf

Using 2954 out of 196600 bytes


! Last configuration change at 10:06:01 AEST Mon May 24 2010

! NVRAM config last updated at 15:55:26 AEST Tue May 25 2010


version 12.4

service timestamps debug datetime msec localtime

service timestamps log datetime msec localtime

service password-encryption


hostname   xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx



boot system flash:c2801-spservicesk9-mz.124-21a.bin



logging buffered 16384 debugging

enable secret 5  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


no aaa new-model

clock timezone AEST 10

clock summer-time AEST recurring 1 Sun Oct 2:00 1 Sun Apr 2:00

ip cef





no ip domain lookup


voice-card 0


















class-map match-all MATCH-ESX-DR

match access-group name ESX-DR-SERVERS



policy-map LIMIT-ESX-DR


    police 2000000





interface FastEthernet0/0

ip address

ip helper-address

ip route-cache flow

duplex auto

speed auto

no keepalive


interface FastEthernet0/1

bandwidth 20000

ip address  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

ip route-cache flow

speed 100



interface Serial0/1/0

no ip address


clock rate 2000000


router bgp 65000

no synchronization

bgp default local-preference 200

bgp log-neighbor-changes


timers bgp 15 45

redistribute connected

redistribute static

neighbor remote-as 7474

no auto-summary


ip forward-protocol nd


ip flow-export source FastEthernet0/0

ip flow-export version 5

ip flow-export destination 9996


no ip http server

no ip http secure-server


ip access-list extended ESX-DR-SERVERS

permit ip host time-range BUSINESS-DAY

permit ip host time-range BUSINESS-DAY


snmp-server community xxxxsnmp RO












banner motd ^CCC


*                                                    *

*      ---- Unauthorised Access Prohibited ----      *

*                                                    *

*      Your access to this device will be logged     *

*                                                    *




line con 0

exec-timeout 20 0

privilege level 15

password 7 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


stopbits 1

line aux 0

line vty 0 4

exec-timeout 20 0

privilege level 15

password 7 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


transport input telnet

transport output telnet

line vty 5 15

privilege level 15

password 7 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


transport input telnet

transport output telnet


scheduler max-task-time 5000

scheduler allocate 20000 1000

sntp server

time-range BUSINESS-DAY

periodic weekdays 7:00 to 19:00



Any help is greatly appreciated


8 Replies 8

Giuseppe Larosa
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

Hello Angelo,

as no ACL is applied with access-class under line vty configuration there is no limitation to telnet to or from on the device itself.

A telnet session is a TCP session on port 23 server side.

The problem can be caused by the network around your device if:

- asymmetric routing is happening

- a stateful firewall in on one the possible paths and it sees only one direction of the connection attempt

to understand if this applies you should perform traceroute from both sides to understand if multiple paths exist

I mean from the affected router in DR site and from main site or whatever place you would like to be able to connect to/from

Another possible check is to see if you have applied security features like CBAC on the WAN interface this might explain why you can telnet from "inside" as you have noted.

what if you try to telnet to the ip address on the internal IP subnet from remote?

Have you tested this?

sorry for the basic question

Hope to help


Thanks for your reply Giuseppe.

I can tracert to the LAN interface from a different subnet to the router.  e.g.  tracert from subnet to the router subnet

When i try to telnet from the same computer on subnet .10 in a remote location, i am unsuccessful.  if i logon to a server in the same subnet as the router, i can telnet successfully.

could there be a restriction to telnet to this device on another router or firewall?

no ip domain lookup - this is the only router with this setting whereas the other routers have ip domain lookup domain name.  Could it be that the router cannot traverse across the network due to not having the domain identified?

None of the other routers on the network have this issue and it has been since its inclusion. 

Your feedback is appreciated



no ip domain-lookup will prevent the router from doing DNS requests and it would only be a problem on the device your are telnetting from if you were specifying a name instead of IP address but in this case you would have to configure a dns server or hosts entries in the router.



Don't forget to rate helpful posts.

Hello Angelo,

as Alain has correctly noted no ip domain-lookup influences the capability of the router to use a DNS server to resolve an hostname so it has impact only on sessions starting from the router to other device when using hostname instead of remote device IP address

it shouldn't have an effect on the capability of opening a telnet/ssh session to the device itself

Hope to help


Thanks to all for your replies.

so just to confirm, after looking at the above config, there should be no reason stopping the ability to telnet to this device from a subnet other than the one the interface resides on?

if not, i will try a reboot. 

Do you have a username and password configured?

It may help


Level 1
Level 1

Sounds like Firewall problem blocking ports.

turns out that the subnet mask was wrong on the WAN interface and therefore was not contactable.  once changed it is now contactable.

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