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Unknown VPI/VCI (ADSL)

Level 1
Level 1

I am having trouble connecting to my ISP (ADSL via my 1841/Wic-1ADSL).

I have followed this configuration to a T:

But haven't had any success. I know the problem lies in the VPI/VCI pairing, and I have incorrect settings.

And normally, this is where one would call their ISP and get the correct information. Unfortunately - for myself - after calling their tech support line, I received the following help "if you're having trouble with your Cisco router, you need to call Cisco"

I was floored to say the least, but as my ISP is OCN NTT out of Japan, there's not much I can do since there's a bit of a communication gap between English and Japanese.

I've found a few great sites that are repositories for VPI/VCI pairs for ISPs in America - but nothing for this side of the world.

Would anybody know were I can go to get some more information on this?

Another option, if possible - does anybody know of an application to detect the pvc numbers (as I've temporarily returned to my original setup of a DSL modem provided by the ISP - until I can put the Cisco router into production).

Thank you very much for any assistance you can provide.

21 Replies 21

There's newer ADSL FW for you to try. If you have CCO download access:

use 3-0-39

If you do not have download access:

use 3-0-33

In both cases there is a readme explaining installation. I know that you will let use know how it goes, good luck!

Edit: pls also configure "dsl mode itu adsl2+" or something like that, can't remember now exactly.

Level 2
Level 2

It might help us figure out what you need if you post

a) what modem your ISP supplied to connect to your current xDSL service

b) your isp name

That way we might have a better idea of what settings should be used

Sirdudesly, all the information you're asking for is in the thread if you take the time to read it.

ah yes, I see it now. I somehow missed expanding one of the messages.

The claimed 40mpbs speed mentioned before seems somewhat odd from an ADSL connection.

Good point, in fact Japanese 40 Mbps service is "ADSL PlusQ", that appers to be a domestic standard.

The hope is that there is compatibility with the HWIC albeit to a slower speed.

I've been looking around, I can't find much on PlusQ all I can gather is that it's pretty much the same as 'normal' ADSL2+ but for much shorter cable runs (i'd like to see it work here on my 6km+ adsl2+ run :P)

Well, after life getting in the way - and everything in between.

I tried to hammer out this problem again.

Unfortunately - I can't get the ADSL line to stop "initializing" - and I can't get the connection to stay up.

For this, I went ahead and dropped the ISPs ADSL modem into the mix, and went with a PPPoE config, using their equipment.

Everything came up almost instantaneously - however, the connection is EXTREMELY SLOW, and most sites time out entirely. Using the ISPs equipment, everything was pretty speedy, but as soon as the Cisco router is put into the mix, it's slower than crap.

I've played with the MTU settings, and even gone as low as 800, but nothing seems to affect it.

Here is the config, and some output commands:

Here are the router specs:

Cisco 1841 (revision 7.0) with 354304K/38912K bytes of memory

Version 12.4(13r)T, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)

flash: c1841-adventerprisek9-mz.124-15.T3.bin

Running Config:

interface FastEthernet0/1

description USS_WAN

no ip address

speed 100


pppoe enable group global

pppoe-client dial-pool-number 1

no cdp enable

interface Dialer1

ip address negotiated

ip mtu 1452

ip nat outside

ip virtual-reassembly

encapsulation ppp

ip tcp adjust-mss 1452

no ip mroute-cache

dialer pool 1

dialer-group 1

no cdp enable

ppp authentication chap pap callin

ppp chap hostname -----

ppp chap password -----

ppp pap sent-username ----- password -----

ppp ipcp route default


If anybody has any troubleshooting steps that I can take, I'd be in their debt.

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