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Anna Tsukerman
Level 1
Level 1

Welcome to CCA Feedback page. We would like to hear from you! If you have any questions, product feedback, or feature requests, please post them right here.

Best Regards,

CCA Team

Thomas Antony
Level 1
Level 1

Feature requests:

.) Configuring multiple static IP addresses on the external interfaces (Internet Connection)

.) Configuring NAT with multiple external IP addresses

.) Configuring NAT for protocols GRE (PPTP), ESP and AH (IPSEC) and not only TCP and UDP

.) Per default allow PPTP and IPSEC outbound (passthrough) or create an option for that.

.) Ability to delete DHCP on VLAN1

.) Ability to not send a Caller ID or a blank Caller ID because the telephone provider sends the number and the called party receive the Caller ID two times

.) Provide a AA script for incoming calls which plays music for the caller without using prompts and uses schedules. This is very common for a small business.

.) Redial doesn't work out of the box because the first 0 is always stripped off. A translation profile and translation rule with "rule 1 /^\(.*\)/ /00\1/ type national national" and " rule 2 /^\(.*\)/ /000\1/ type international international " has to be added.

.) Configuring Fax2Email and Email2Fax

.) Call to Mobile phone, closed call from mobile, still hearing ringback on local phone. Telecom switch sends ISDN disconnect, but UC device does not close the call, so due to timeout after 30 secs the switch sends RELEASE complete. Fix Timer and progress commands on dialpeer.

interface BRI0/1/0

isdn timer T306 3000

dial-peer voice 52 pots

progress_ind progress enable 8

progress_ind callproc enable 8

progress_ind disconnect enable 8

.) At every reboot of a telephone it tries to upgrade the firmware -> bug?

This points forces me to always use CLI to get a working UC where CLI is not supported by Cisco Small Business  support.....

Level 1
Level 1

We are a Cisco SBS Partner and have been using CCA since v1. Without it SBCS would not be a truly small business solution. Although I'm a little confused about Java as the basis for it, I'm sure there are real and technical reasons that choice was made.

Our issue in December of 2010 is this; CCA is affecting the ACLs and dial peers in the configuration. We have a UC520 supporting 40 healthcare providers that was built on software pack 8.0.2. We ran into a failure in inbound calling (all SIP) and traced it back to an unrelated telephony change in CCA. Cisco TAC debugged the problem and found that it was an erroneous ACL entry (that was written by CCA). After the ACL issue was resolved we were left with a generic outgoing dial plan and certain long distance calls were failing. We could change the dial plan in CCA, but doing so would break inbound calling by adding erroneous ACL entries. We have also seen additional dial peers that were generated with too few digit options. This is a very vicious loop.

We were asked to upgrade to software pack 8.1.0 to resolve this a few other issues with DTMF, paging, and drops in AA and voice mail audio.  We are not bleeding edge adopters, but we loaded CCA 3 and 8.1.0 on our own system to test and verify. That process went well. We upgraded the system in question to 8.1.0. The problem persists. This puts us in the unenviable position of calling the TAC to resolve these ACL-related issues. That translates to some amount of downtime in a scenario where any downtime is unacceptable.

I agree with an earlier post that CCA needs the capability to manage the ACLs. I get the impression that these upgrades are not being vigorously tested. Our company - and many others - are committed to Cisco Small Business Pro solutions, but not at the expense of losing our clients. We have seen great improvements  in CCA, but pitfalls like this are affecting our reputation. I have other requests, but this issue is where we are feeling pain.

Please give us some indication of when this issue will be resolved.


after having "lost" 2 day's with upgrading to CCA 3.0 and FW 8.1

I have to say it is a step forward (now flash is formated and the space issues are gone) but still CCA does not handle correct backup configuration, restore configuration and firmware upgrade! This is an essential feature and this must work with ANY localization not only US! Please Test new versions with different localizations.

The next most importend feature for me is the ability to easy change the incomming dial plan. The concrete need results since ISDN Lines in Austria in the best case send as the called party number the extension, or what is very common for small businesses who don't use extensions at all, the called party number (CPN) is empty.

No CPN results in NO INCOMMING CALLS if you manage your config with CCA. This means that at the moment we have to manualy rewrite the incomming dial plan to be able to use a UC500 with ISDN in Austria.

There would be many other, nice to have features but these 2 are the MOST importend.


Anna Tsukerman
Level 1
Level 1


Thank you for your feedback. We have noticed several partners asking for the capability to manage ACLs within CCA. This feature is on the roadmap for one of the upcoming CCA releases, but I do not have a defined timeframe for this yet.

Thank you,


Anna Tsukerman
Level 1
Level 1

Hello Ognian,

Thank you for your feedback. Our team will take a closer look at the TimeCard View error you saw during the back-up/restore process.

In regards to your feature request to be able to modify incoming dial plan, we are planning to add this capability to CCA in one of the upcoming CCA releases in the next few months.

Thank you,


+1 requirement for multiple SIP trunk providers. This is a serious requirement for any business that makes a lot of international outbound calls (less so for inbound).

Especially given the new CCA Only support policy.

My choices are now "create the required configuration but lose access to Cisco support" OR "recommend another system"

Steven DiStefano
VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni

How about option 3, get the SIP provider to become a 'designated' provider so interconnect will be easier, or see if you can have SBSC open a case to have an XML template built for that provider for your system, which 'may' be able to address this (no promise but maybe worth a try).

Level 1
Level 1

Feature request: The ability to preview and confirm or cancel the configuration sent to the UC, I know postview is available but preview with confirmation could help avoid impacts on customer production equipment.


I'll definitely be asking SBSC to create an XML template for both SIP providers, but that's not the problem.

The problem is that an IE based business needs to call UK and mainland Europe constantly. The UK SIP provider is easy to sort out, but their rates for Europe are not competitive. Therefore a second supplier was sourced to handle the majority of European calls.

Now I find out that I can either make it work like I've been asked, but lose the support of Cisco; or refuse to configure the system as specified (!!) but keep the support.

End-users (purchasers) don't care about Cisco support policy, they only want the features. And this feature isn't even that complex. On a system that costs several thousand Euro, multiple VoIP suppliers should be a given.

This isn't a *new* requirement, it's been possible on other systems almost since the advent of VoIP/SIP.

Level 3
Level 3


The CCA team posted an earlier post

"Thank you for your suggestions, Scott. We are considering to support Multiple SIP trunks in one of the upcoming CCA releases"

Read above and monitor the board, the request is being considered for a future release and is not supported yet.

The CCA team has been doing a great job listening to everybody's request for this and many other features.

I look forward to it - sorry if I've come across as aggressive, I'm just frustrated with this latest choice of supporting only via CCA and thus losing access to some features.

Level 1
Level 1

There is plenty of room for improvement with CCA 3.0.

1. there isnt a way to configure a "silent" ringing key or a silent call waiting key using CCA

2.  there isnt a way to create custom trunk groups for E1, BRI circuits

3. CCA needs to have a more logical way of allocating ephone tags and ephone-dn tags

4. the ability to do a change "all" or "Range" programming changes in the outbound dial peers form.  It can get very annoying when you have to change one at a time.

5. Import users needs to be added to the Extension Mobility. Adding one at a time sucks

Level 1
Level 1

For the UC5xx series and CCA 3.0(1)+

  • Increase outgoing caller ID from 14 to unlimited

o   I have a customer with 37 assigned DIDs and they would like the DID as the outgoing Caller ID. (Current fix via CLI is very cumbersome using corlists)

COMMENT (Steve):  If you built it as a range in CCA Outgoing Dial Plan, doesnt that build a combined Reg Exp.?

  • Allow modification of _T37 DID

o   After adding DIDs through the Telephony Wizard and then creating T.37 Fax to Email only I needed to change the DIDs. CCA added _T37 to the end of all the PRI descriptions when I added them. Upon trying to edit them CCA would lock up. Per TAC recommendation I deleted and re-added the DIDs. This caused the entire T.37 Fax to Email to break which required a Factory Reset.

  • Allow changing of voicemail expiry time

o   I have a customer that has 40 fax only mailboxes that send to email. The default of expiry of 30 days and a 12 minute mailbox will cause faxes to not be received. Increasing the mailbox size limit is not an option as there are also 40 users with 30 minute voice mailboxes. (can be change via the web page and CLI)

  • Allow greater control of DHCP VLAN (enable/disable)

o   Already on the roadmap

  • Allow DNS servers for SSL VPN

o   Full tunnelled SSLVPN connections are unable to browse the network as the DHCP pool does not include DNS (Can be added via CLI)

COMMENT/Clarification (Steve):  So for the Phone, we dont support PC tethering.  Are you referring to PC CLients connecting to the data lan only?

  • Allow additional AnyConnect pkg for SSLVPN

o   Customers may want to use Mac and Linux to connect to SSLVPN

  • Allow automatic backups for voicemail, CUE and CME

o   Customers would like to make sure there are backups of their voicemails on a regular basis (maybe incorporate into Office Manager, or a server side application)

COMMENT:  Good one>  On the list I hear.

  • Allow adding users without requiring association to phone during Telephony Wizard

o   Big pain for adding Fax only mailboxes

  • Allow adding multiple users after Telephony Wizard

o   Big pain for adding Fax only mailboxes

  • Allow enabling Single-Number-Reach without requiring a phone number and multiple enable

o   Just giving a user SNR permission should not require a phone number

COMMENT ADDED STEVE:  We can enable SNR and not enter a number and let the phone TUI administer it, no?

  • Disappearing and sorted selection list for SNR

o   SNR not having a disappearing list makes configuring a pain if you have a lot of users.

  • Allow hardware upgrades for voicemail

o   UC560 allows 104 users. With 1920 minutes of voicemail that is a maximum of around 18 minutes per user, for a number of customers this may be insufficient. One customer is coming off a Toshiba system with a hard drive based voicemail system which allows nearly unlimited voice mailbox size. I was told one user had over 1000 minutes of voicemail.

COMMENT ADDED Steve:  8G Voice Mail Flash SKU for UC560 coming in a few weeks,  I wrote a TEL on it you can look at.

Level 1
Level 1
  • Increase outgoing caller ID from 14 to unlimited
    • I have a customer with 37 assigned DIDs and they would like the DID as the outgoing Caller ID. (Current fix via CLI is very cumbersome using corlists)

          COMMENT (Steve):  If you built it as a range in CCA Outgoing Dial Plan, doesnt that build a combined Reg Exp.?
          CLARIFICATION: DIDs are non-sequential.

           Comment:  Understood now.

  • Allow DNS servers for SSL VPN
    • Full tunnelled SSLVPN connections are unable to browse the network as the DHCP pool does not include DNS (Can be added via CLI)

          COMMENT/Clarification (Steve):  So for the Phone, we dont support PC tethering.  Are you referring to PC CLients connecting to the data lan only?
          CLARIFICATION: Steve, yes this is in regards to PC clients connecting only to the Data VLAN.

  • Allow enabling Single-Number-Reach without requiring a phone number and multiple enable
    • Just giving a user SNR permission should not require a phone number

          COMMENT ADDED STEVE:  We can enable SNR and not enter a number and let the phone TUI administer it, no?
          COMMENT: CCA requires a “Remote Destination” to be entered

          Comment (Steve):  Your right.  We change this in CCA 3.x.  The old 2.x used to add mobility to every ephone-dn so the phone user could update the destination.   No longer the case.  The old way also sent RESET to every phone in the system, even though you only configured one.  So it had its downside too.

Level 1
Level 1

For the UC5xx series and CCA 3.0(1)+

  • CCA functional issue
    • When using floating extentions that have DIDs mapped that exist in an Outgoing Dial Plan, the outgoing call is transferred to the floating extension instead.
      • Users PRI provider only passes 4 digits.
      • User is utilizing a 7-digit dial plan (but will probably also occur with a 10-digit dial plan)
      • Floating extension 429 is mapped to DID 9818.
      • User dials external number 98181212.
      • User is transferred to floating extension 9818 instead of PRI Outbound.
    • Issue is a result of CCA adding a secondary to the ephone-dn when configuring floating extensions.
    • Secondary does not appear to be required as the floating extension is matched against an inbound translation rule.
    • Can be fixed in CLI by removing secondary
    • Any modifications to floating extension (name change for instance) in CCA will require removing the secondary again in CLI
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