on 09-06-2011 07:20 PM
As of release (released early September 2011) for the Cisco Small Business 200 and 300 Series switches, Cisco pre-standard / Legacy POE (also known as Cisco Inline Power) is supported in addition to the standards-based version of IEEE 802.3af.
The following pre-standard devices have been tested:
Aironet 1100, 1200
Cisco AP1200
Cisco 7960 IP phone
Cisco 7940 IP phone
Cisco 7902 IP phone
Cisco 7912 IP phone
Cisco 7914 IP phone
Cisco 7905 IP phone
The firmware can be downloaded from the following link on Cisco.com:
This is amazing news!
Great news! Customers with legacy PoE devices appreciate this
This is good news. I received a couple of these switches on Sept 21 and they did NOT support pre-standard power on AP-1232AGs, wound up having to use a brick....
You have to download the latest version of firmware to get access to this support -
When is this support coming for the SG200-08P? It is still on firmware version from back in June.
Another request for support for the SG200-08P. Can we expect a new firmware release for this device? The latest is still
All 300 series switches and all 200 series switches support Cisco Inline power except for SG200-08P and the 200E models.These models use a different chipset and software and do not support this capability.
Seems pretty silly to me that I have a CISCO 7940 IP Phone that my CISCO PoE Smart Switch doesn't support. By "do not support this capability" do you mean currently is unsupported or will never be supported on the SG200-08P? I would like to know if this is a limitation that has been (poorly) engineered into the chipset used by the SG-200-08P, meaning I should throw it away and go out and buy a product from another company that will support my phone.
Not really considering that the 7940 has been end-of-sale since 2002:
At this point there are no plans to support this capability on the SG200-08P.
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