on 05-06-2013 10:20 PM
Configure Link Aggregation wieh LACP enabled between Catalyst and 300 Serires switches. Version 2.0 correct some typos, and Add PAgP as Cisco proprietary statement.
Sx300/500 Inter-connect with Catalyst
LAG/LACP example
Interface rang f0/11 -12
Channel-protocol lacp
Channel-group 1 mode active
SG300(config-if-range)#channel-group 1 mode
on Add port without LACP
auto Add port with LACP
SG300(config)#Port-Channel load-balance
src-dst-mac-ip Port channel load balancing is based on source and destination of MAC and IP addresses.
src-dst-mac Port channel load balancing is based on source and destination MAC address. [Default]
SG300#sh cdp nei
Capability Codes: R - Router, T - Trans Bridge, B - Source Route Bridge
S - Switch, H - Host, I - IGMP, r - Repeater, P - VoIP Phone
M - Remotely-Managed Device, C - CAST Phone Port,
W - Two-Port MAC Relay
Device ID Local Adv Time To Capability Platform Port ID Interface Ver. Live
------------------ ----------- ---- ------- ---------- ------------ -----------
SW3 gi7 2 168 R S I cisco WS-C3560-12P C-S FastEthernet0/12
SW3 gi8 2 168 R S I cisco WS-C3560-12P C-S FastEthernet0/11
SG300(config-if-range)#do sh int po 1
Load balancing: src-dst-mac.
Gathering information...
Channel Ports
------- -----
Po1 Active: gi7-8
SG300#show lacp Port-Channel 1
Port-Channel Po1
Port Type Gigabit Ethernet
Attached Lag id:
System Priority:32769
MAC Address: 64:d8:14:5d:14:13
Admin Key: 1000
Oper Key: 1000
System Priority:32768
MAC Address: 00:23:ac:c0:ac:00
Oper Key: 1
SG300#show lacp gi 7
gi7 LACP parameters:
system priority: 32769
system mac addr: 64:d8:14:5d:14:13
port Admin key: 1000
port Oper key: 1000
port Oper number: 55
port Admin priority: 1
port Oper priority: 1
port Admin timeout: LONG
port Oper timeout: LONG
synchronization: TRUE
collecting: TRUE
distributing: TRUE
expired: FALSE
system priority: 32768
system mac addr: 00:23:ac:c0:ac:00
port Admin key: 0
port Oper key: 1
port Oper number: 269
port Admin priority: 0
port Oper priority: 32768
port Oper timeout: LONG
synchronization: TRUE
collecting: TRUE
distributing: TRUE
expired: FALSE
gi7 LACP statistics:
LACP Pdus sent: 242
LACP Pdus received: 217
gi7 LACP Protocol State:
LACP State Machines:
Receive FSM: Current State
Mux FSM: Collecting Distributing State
Periodic Tx FSM: Slow Periodic State
Control Variables:
LACP_Enabled: TRUE
Ready_N: FALSE
Selected: SELECTED
Port_moved: FALSE
Port_enabled: TRUE
Timer counters:
periodic tx timer: 26
current while timer: 88
wait while timer: 0
SG300#show lacp gi 8
gi8 LACP parameters:
system priority: 32769
system mac addr: 64:d8:14:5d:14:13
port Admin key: 1000
port Oper key: 1000
port Oper number: 56
port Admin priority: 1
port Oper priority: 1
port Admin timeout: LONG
port Oper timeout: LONG
synchronization: TRUE
collecting: TRUE
distributing: TRUE
expired: FALSE
system priority: 32768
system mac addr: 00:23:ac:c0:ac:00
port Admin key: 0
port Oper key: 1
port Oper number: 268
port Admin priority: 0
port Oper priority: 32768
port Oper timeout: LONG
synchronization: TRUE
collecting: TRUE
distributing: TRUE
expired: FALSE
gi8 LACP statistics:
LACP Pdus sent: 204
LACP Pdus received: 188
gi8 LACP Protocol State:
LACP State Machines:
Receive FSM: Current State
Mux FSM: Collecting Distributing State
Periodic Tx FSM: Slow Periodic State
Control Variables:
LACP_Enabled: TRUE
Ready_N: FALSE
Selected: SELECTED
Port_moved: FALSE
Port_enabled: TRUE
Timer counters:
periodic tx timer: 14
current while timer: 75
wait while timer: 0
SW3(config-if)#do sh ether 1 sum
Flags: D - down P - bundled in port-channel
I - stand-alone s - suspended
H - Hot-standby (LACP only)
R - Layer3 S - Layer2
U - in use f - failed to allocate aggregator
M - not in use, minimum links not met
u - unsuitable for bundling
w - waiting to be aggregated
d - default port
Number of channel-groups in use: 1
Number of aggregators: 1
Group Port-channel Protocol Ports
1 Po1(SU) LACP Fa0/11(P) Fa0/12(P)
SW3(config-if)#do sh ether 1 de
Group state = L2
Ports: 2 Maxports = 16
Port-channels: 1 Max Port-channels = 16
Protocol: LACP
Minimum Links: 0
Ports in the group:
Port: Fa0/11
Port state = Up Mstr Assoc In-Bndl
Channel group = 1 Mode = Active Gcchange = -
Port-channel = Po1 GC = - Pseudo port-channel = Po1
Port index = 0 Load = 0x00 Protocol = LACP
Flags: S - Device is sending Slow LACPDUs F - Device is sending fast LACPDUs.
A - Device is in active mode. P - Device is in passive mode.
Local information:
LACP port Admin Oper Port Port
Port Flags State Priority Key Key Number State
Fa0/11 SA bndl 32768 0x1 0x1 0x10C 0x3D
Partner's information:
LACP port Admin Oper Port Port
Port Flags Priority Dev ID Age key Key Number State
Fa0/11 SA 1 64d8.145d.1413 9s 0x0 0x3E8 0x38 0x3D
Age of the port in the current state: 0d:00h:09m:07s
Port: Fa0/12
Port state = Up Mstr Assoc In-Bndl
Channel group = 1 Mode = Active Gcchange = -
Port-channel = Po1 GC = - Pseudo port-channel = Po1
Port index = 0 Load = 0x00 Protocol = LACP
Flags: S - Device is sending Slow LACPDUs F - Device is sending fast LACPDUs.
A - Device is in active mode. P - Device is in passive mode.
Local information:
LACP port Admin Oper Port Port
Port Flags State Priority Key Key Number State
Fa0/12 SA bndl 32768 0x1 0x1 0x10D 0x3D
Partner's information:
LACP port Admin Oper Port Port
Port Flags Priority Dev ID Age key Key Number State
Fa0/12 SA 1 64d8.145d.1413 9s 0x0 0x3E8 0x37 0x3D
Age of the port in the current state: 0d:00h:09m:05s
Port-channels in the group:
Port-channel: Po1 (Primary Aggregator)
Age of the Port-channel = 0d:00h:09m:47s
Logical slot/port = 2/1 Number of ports = 2
HotStandBy port = null
Port state = Port-channel Ag-Inuse
Protocol = LACP
Port security = Disabled
Ports in the Port-channel:
Index Load Port EC state No of bits
0 00 Fa0/11 Active 0
0 00 Fa0/12 Active 0
Time since last port bundled: 0d:00h:09m:05s Fa0/12
Time since last port Un-bundled: 0d:00h:09m:47s Fa0/12
SW3(config-if)#do sh lacp 1 nei
Flags: S - Device is requesting Slow LACPDUs
F - Device is requesting Fast LACPDUs
A - Device is in Active mode P - Device is in Passive mode
Channel group 1 neighbors
Partner's information:
LACP port Admin Oper Port Port
Port Flags Priority Dev ID Age key Key Number State
Fa0/11 SA 1 64d8.145d.1413 10s 0x0 0x3E8 0x38 0x3D
Fa0/12 SA 1 64d8.145d.1413 10s 0x0 0x3E8 0x37 0x3D
SW3(config-if)#do sh lacp 1 nei de
Flags: S - Device is requesting Slow LACPDUs
F - Device is requesting Fast LACPDUs
A - Device is in Active mode P - Device is in Passive mode
Channel group 1 neighbors
Partner's information:
Partner Partner Partner
Port System ID Port Number Age Flags
Fa0/11 32769,64d8.145d.1413 0x38 15s SA
LACP Partner Partner Partner
Port Priority Oper Key Port State
1 0x3E8 0x3D
Port State Flags Decode:
Activity: Timeout: Aggregation: Synchronization:
Active Long Yes Yes
Collecting: Distributing: Defaulted: Expired:
Yes Yes No No
Partner Partner Partner
Port System ID Port Number Age Flags
Fa0/12 32769,64d8.145d.1413 0x37 15s SA
LACP Partner Partner Partner
Port Priority Oper Key Port State
1 0x3E8 0x3D
Port State Flags Decode:
Activity: Timeout: Aggregation: Synchronization:
Active Long Yes Yes
Collecting: Distributing: Defaulted: Expired:
Yes Yes No No
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