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Tom Watts
VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni

How to recover your switch from a reboot loop or corrupted flash. Please note, this may not always recover the switch but it has a high probability. If you need assistance with this procedure please contact the small business support center.

Download the latest firmware from the Cisco website-

1.) Load hyper terminal with the following parameters

2.) Unplug the power cord from the switch to reboot the unit

3.) When prompted hit the ESC key to enter the prom

4.) Choose the option 1, download file

6.) Transfer the file

7.) Browse the firmware location, then choose the XMODEM option then click SEND

8.) The download will commence, it takes usually 20-30 minutes

9.) After the file downloads, the switch will delete the flash, load the software image in to the flash and reboot. The unit will be completely factory default parameters.

10.) Lastly, a healthy reboot from the console

-- Download complete --

Calculating file's checksum...OK

Erasing FLASH ->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Writing to flash 0x6aa500 records...

Setting checksum: 0x350925f6 , Address: 0x0


Flash programming success.

Perform WARM BOOT ...

Boot1 Checksum Test...............................PASS

Boot2 Checksum Test...............................PASS

Flash Image Validation Test.......................PASS

BOOT Software Version Built  11-May-2011  18:31:00

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Networking device with Marvell ARM CPU core. 128 MByte SDRAM.

I-Cache 16 KB. D-Cache 16 KB. L2 Cache 256 KB. Cache Enabled.

MAC Address   :  20:37:06:33:ed:a4.

Autoboot in 2 seconds - press RETURN or Esc. to abort and enter prom.

Preparing to decompress...




Decompressing SW from image-1


Running from RAM...

Board ID is 9

Device ID 0xe7fe11ab


*** Running  SW  Ver.  Date  19-Jul-2012  Time  17:54:43 ***


HW version is V02

Base Mac address is: 20:37:06:33:ed:a4

Dram size is  : 128M bytes

Dram first block size is  : 101376K bytes

Dram first PTR is  : 0x1900000

Dram second block size is  : 4096K bytes

Dram second PTR is  : 0x7C00000

Flash size is: 16M

19-Jul-2012 17:54:46 %CDB-I-LOADCONFIG: Loading running configuration.

19-Jul-2012 17:54:46 %CDB-I-LOADCONFIG: Loading startup configuration.

Device configuration:

Slot 1 - SG300-28

Device 0: GT_98DX3035B (AlleyCat2)


-- Unit Standalone                --


Tapi Version: v1.9.5

Core Version: v1.9.5

19-Jul-2012 17:55:02 %INIT-I-InitCompleted: Initialization task is completed

19-Jul-2012 17:55:12 %SNMP-I-CDBITEMSNUM: Number of running configuration items loaded: 0

19-Jul-2012 17:55:12 %SNMP-I-CDBITEMSNUM: Number of startup configuration items loaded: 0

The SSH Server is generating a default RSA key.

This may take a few minutes, depending on the key size.

The SSH Server is generating a default DSA key.

This may take a few minutes, depending on the key size.

The SSH Client is generating a default RSA key.

This may take a few minutes, depending on the key size.

The SSH Client is generating a default DSA key.

This may take a few minutes, depending on the key size.

19-Jul-2012 17:56:02 %SYSLOG-N-LOGGING: Logging started.

19-Jul-2012 17:56:09 %SSL-I-SSLCTASK: Starting autogeneration of self-signed certificate - 1024 bits

Generating RSA private key, 1024 bit long modulus

19-Jul-2012 17:56:11 %SSL-I-SSLCTASK: Autogeneration of self-signed certificate was successfully completed

Generating RSA private key, 1024 bit long modulus

Console baud-rate auto detection is enabled, press Enter twice to complete the detection process

User Name:

Steve Galambos
Level 1
Level 1

Since Hyperterminal hasn't been included with Windows since Vista's release and PuTTY doesn't include XModem support you can use Terterm if you're looking for an's old, but it works great and includes support for XModem in addition to a few other feature PuTTY doesn't have.

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