So, each user you are using to track time on has to have a TCV license and a voicemail seat? I see many businesses having more employees than they may have seats on the UC.
Guess it depends on the type of business but I guess you could have more employees than vm boxes. This may not be the right time-tracking solution for a scenario like that. This is intended really for businesses where everyone has a phone and/or vm on the system and can log in to TimeCard View. You don't have to have a phone really but you do need a vm box.
Well I think this is a major shortcoming, most service business and manufacturing businesses (the ones that really care about time clocks and hourly employees) will have more people than phones or VM's. I assume that additional cost is also incurred as you will need to license all of the seats on the UC that you need the VM for, which may be more than the number of phones you are trying to operate.
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