on 09-29-2010 03:31 AM
The CallConnector Advanced Client provides centralized directories which display list of names with integrated click-to-IM, click-to-call, and click-to-send services. Users can view and quickly locate contacts and call or send messages (via Instant Messaging [IM], text message [SMS] or email). Graphical icons display the telephone status as well as availability and current location for contact (in certain directories). The search option allows users to locate contacts simply by entering the first few letters of any visible information about that contact - such as first or last name, department, or phone number.
Key features of the Directory include:
The CallConnector directories display user presence. The supported presence features are listed below:
Differences between the directories are summarized in the table below.
In general terms, the Corporate directory is a repository for the employees of the business. Presence and telephone status is displayed for the contacts in this directory. The External directory is expected to contain all other non-employee contacts that the organization wants to maintain and share with the employees. Personal directory contains the user’s personal contacts and also their buddies for all their IM accounts. Presence information for these external buddies is displayed in the personal directory. Outlook directory displays the contacts from the Outlook/Exchange personal contacts folder.
Directory Features | Corporate | External | Personal | Outlook |
Centralized Directory | √ | √ | √ *(Buddy lists on external servers) | Personal Contact Folder |
View Presence | √ | x | External Buddies Only | x |
View Location | √ | x | x | x |
View Telephone Status | √ | x | x | x |
Multiple Numbers | √ | √ | Personal Only | √ |
Add/Update/Delete | x | x | Personal Only | √ |
Click-to-Dial | √ | √ | √ (If number available) | √ |
Send Message(email, IM , txt) | √ | √ | √ | √ |
Number Lookup | √ | √ | Personal Only | √ |
Status Notification | √ | x | √ (Buddies) | x |
Avatars | √ | x | √ (Buddies) | x |
A number a preference options affect the user experience of the directories. These are summarized below:
Corporate and External directory contacts are maintained by the administrator. Contact information can be updated by the CallConnector Operator or from the Configuration Manager by the administrator. Data can be entered manually or imported from the UC500/CME-ISR or from Active Directory/Exchange folders. Personal and Outlook contacts are maintained by the user. This information is visible only to the user and is not shared.
Access to the Outlook contacts requires the Email profile to be setup and that profile to be selected from Preference->Email. Users need to enable the MAPI option and select the Email Profile. Email profile is setup from Outlook or from Control Panel->Mail.
The external buddy list and related contact information is downloaded from the each of the IM accounts configured by the user. The contact details for the buddies vary with the IM servers. in some cases, only the name is provided.
1. The Presence Server manages and publishes the presence status (availability and location) and the telephone status of these users in real-time.
2. Contacts in the Corporate directory can be CallConnector users and non-users contacts. A CallConnector user has a user login account created via the Configuration Manager Directory – User page. Presence status is published for both types of contacts.
3. For non-CallConnector users, this provides a bulletin-board type function. The status of such users can be updated by the manager of that user’s group or by users with administrative rights.
4. Only the CallConnector users can update their own status; operators can change the status of the user and non-user contacts.
5. Telephone status is only published if there is a match on the caller or called number with one of the user’s work, work-2, home or mobile numbers in the Corporate directory.
6. For the telephone numbers to match, the caller/called number and the numbers in the database must be in the same format – preferably in the canonical format. This requires the server dial plan to be correctly setup.
7. Call logs are only written for the CallConnector users. The call log entries include the caller/called name if there is a match in the Corporate directory. Names in the user’s Outlook contacts are not included in the call logs.
8. Presence Access control can only be applied to the Groups/Departments defined through the Configuration Manager Directory – Group page. This allows the administrator to control which users can view the availability status of users in other groups.
To receive telephone status events, the following must be properly configured:
1. Router must be configured to send Radius messages to the CallConnector Server.
2. CallConnector Server must receive the Radius messages.
3. The telephone numbers (caller or called) must be in the Corporate Directory.
4. The CallConnector Server Dial plan must be properly setup so that the numbers as provided in the Radius messages can be formatted for lookup. This means that after lookup formatting the incoming number will be identical to the ‘canonically’ formatted number in the directory.
5. The telephone numbers in the CallConnector directory is saved in the ‘canonical’ format e.g. (408) 555-1212. The telephone numbers in the Radius message are not formatted. The Presence Server uses the CallConnector Server dialing rules to convert the Radius provided telephone numbers to the canonical format and then searches the Corporate Directory for a match. You will need to verify that the dial plan is correctly configured on the server so that the numbers sent in the Radius messages (as displayed in the Radius Monitor Log) are being formatted to allow successful searching.
To receive telephone status events, the following must be properly configured:
a. Router must be configured to send Radius messages to the CallConnector Server.
b. CallConnector Server must receive the Radius messages.
c. The telephone numbers (caller or called) must be in the Corporate Directory.
d. The CallConnector Server dial plan must be properly setup so that the numbers as provided in the Radius messages can be formatted for lookup. (Note – the Radius provided number format can be different form that shown on the phone). This means that after lookup formatting the incoming number will be identical to the ‘canonically’ formatted number in the directory.
e. The telephone numbers in the CallConnector directory is saved in the ‘canonical’ format e.g. (408) 555-1212. The telephone numbers in the Radius message are not formatted. The Presence Server uses the CallConnector Server dialing rules to convert the Radius provided telephone numbers to the canonical format and then searches the Corporate Directory for a match. You will need to verify that the dial plan is correctly configured on the server so that the numbers sent in the Radius messages (as displayed in the Radius Monitor Log) are being formatted to allow successful searching.
The Advanced Client downloads the contact information at startup. To view the imported contacts, click on Refresh Directory from the Options menu (See Figure 1).
The phone numbers are downloaded and saved in the CallConnector Server. If you have imported the users and contacts from the UC500 or CME-ISR, then you should re-import the phone configuration using the Configuration Manager and re-import the contact data. If the contacts are not imported from the UC500/CME-ISR then, then the data will need to be updated manually.
To display Outlook contacts in the call popup or in the call window, the configuration is required:
a. The MAPI connection must be enabled (Preference-Email) and the correct profile selected. This will generally be the same profile that you are using for Outlook.
b. The phone number received by the Advanced Client is formatted for lookup based on the dial plan settings. Verify that the dial plan lookup settings for are correct. You can do this by entering the number in the number verification table in the Configuration Manager.
c. The telephone numbers in Outlook must match this lookup format. If the numbers are not in the canonical format in Outlook, you can right click in the Outlook contact folder and select Synchronize numbers and specify the desired format.
d. If the phone number is in multiple directories or contacts, only the first result is displayed.
Answer: All the contact information can be added to the CallConnector Advanced client directories to provide a central location for all contact with click-to-call, click-to-send and presence. The company-wide information should be added to the Corporate directory for internal users and the non-employees added to the External directory. Individual users can add their personal contacts in the personal directory which will display their external buddies once the IM accounts have been configured. The Outlook contacts can be accessed from the CallConnector Outlook directory.
Answer: The CallConnector Advanced Client displays presence and telephone status for the contacts in the Corporate directory. The system administrator needs to add all the employees the Corporate directory (this can be imported from one of several sources). Users with CallConnector clients can update their own status, for the others the Operator will need to make the changes. Telephone status is displayed for the numbers in the corporate directory.
Based on a person’s availability information and whether they are on a call, users can make calls, send instant messages or text their mobile phones to use the best method to reach a contact.
Answer: The CallConnector solution supports multiple sites from one CallConnector Server. Contact information can be imported from the UC500/CME-ISR at each location into the CallConnector Corporate directory. Users can keep their presence status current using the CallConnector Advanced client and view the telephone status of everyone across the multiple sites.
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