I have gone through the onboarding steps to obtain an API key for the Cisco Services API, and I am successfully able to call the customer-detail API via the URL: https://apx.cisco.com/cs/api/v1/customer-info/customer-details. I get a response like this (details redacted):
{"data":[{"customerId":123456,"customerName":"MyCompany":"123 Main St."...}
However when I use the returned customer ID in the following URL, I get an error.
Here I receive the following error:
{"status":403,"message":"Invalid input request","reason":{"errorCode":"API_PARTY_002","errorInfo":"Customer Id is not associated with Partner"}}
I have discussed the issue with several members of our Cisco account team including: @silsanto , @astaab , @shoelzei, @vmorisi however they are unable to solve the issue.
If someone from Cisco can reply privately, I will provide the actual customerID that I am using.
Thank you!
Thank you