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Cannot Assign IP to a vlan interface SG-300 28MP

Level 1
Level 1

hI all a very simple configurations ... bought 10 smb sg-300 28mp switches . every thing goes fine in vlan configuration, port assigning .. but when I try to assign ip to one of the created vlan interface switch hangs GUI or CLI. Layer 3 is enabled. regards

3 Replies 3

V K Moorthy
Level 1
Level 1

Configure as below

Login to CLI:

switch(config):int vlan 1

switch(int-config):ip address

switch(int-config):no ip dhcp relay enable

switch(config):do wr

switch(config):int vlan 2  -----------------------> New vlan 

switch(int-config):ip address 192.168.2.xx

switch(int-config):no ip dhcp relay enable

switch(config):do wr




Level 1
Level 1

It's working after turning off dhcp relay. Any reason behind that?

Level 1
Level 1

I had this issue and here is the real answer in it's simplest form:

The switch is not hanging, it is simply no longer on the IP address you are configuring it from.  

When configuring the switch using the default management IP address on VLAN 1, as soon as you add another IP, the default is disabled, meaning is no longer configured.  Before doing anything else, you should add a VLAN 1 interface using an alternate IP address first (even in the same subnet), then after you click apply, re-point your browser to the new IP.  From there you can add all other IPs to your VLANs without issue.


More details and steps taken from another post:

When you are configuring layer 3 routing on a sg300 or 500 switch, once the switch is in l3 mode You need to:

1- give each vlan  interface a static IP  starting with vlan1.  This can be the same as the default, but I recommend picking another address in case you decide to add another switch in the future.

2- Before setting an IP on the new vlan, assign an access port to the new vlan (so you can move your workstation to that  vlan) for management if needed.  vlan management --> port vlan membership.  Once you assign the ip address, and your management interface goes away, move your pc to the port on the new vlan, give it a static, and reconnect to the new IP address.

3- use the console cable and CLI to configure the vlan interface, as the console port does not go down, or loose connectivity when configuring vlans.