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SG200-26P - flashing green status - no access - no reset

Level 1
Level 1

Hi All,

I have a 1 month old SG200-26P - the green status LED is blinking constantly (> 30 minutes), I cannot access the webGUI, nor is it responding to ping. I have tried resetting via holding reset for > 10 seconds with no effect, the status/activity LEDs are still illuminating against all connected ports, excluding any of the PoE ports which are running a couple of cisco IP phones. I've tried accessing the device via both the static IP I configured, and the default IP.

I have disconnected all ports, then powered on the device, but same results...

Do I have a dead switch? Anything I can do other than return for warranty claim which is going to be last resort due holiday period and leaving the customer offline for extended period...

Thanks for any help/light you can shed.



10 Replies 10

Tom Watts
VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni

Hi Michael, please try the following-

  • Remove the switch from the LAN (disconnect all wires from the switch)
  • Hold the reset in for 30 seconds
  • After 3 minutes, connect a single computer to the switch
  • Disable the wireless connection on the computer and assign the NIC an ip address with a mask and default gateway
  • Try to access the switch (with only the single computer connected)

Please mark answered for helpful posts

-Tom Please mark answered for helpful posts

Level 1
Level 1

Afternoon from Sussex in the UK,

I also strangely enough have just suffered the same problem @ 15:00 today. I switched SG200-26P off to install a bigger UPS for the xmas break and now when it’s powered up all it does is flash its little systems light.

I have logged this major problem with Cisco support and am awaiting a call back.

I need to get a working before the holidays the same as you.

Let me know if you learn anything to solve the problem.

I have tried the removable of all cat 5 connections and a reset press for 30 sec's with no change in the system flashing light, this is all very worrying.


Simon Yapp

Simon, the system light flashing generally indicates the switch is DHCP meaning it will obtain an IP from DHCP or it is accessible on the

One of the most common things folks forget is to save the running configuration to start up configuration so the switch will only be as good as the initial config and won't have anything there after a reboot.

Please mark answered for helpful posts

-Tom Please mark answered for helpful posts

Thanks Tom

I had saved the config file every time I was in the swithes page so I am very confused why the switch has failed, I also backed up the settings from the SG200 last week so when and if I ever get it back I can re load them.

I have tried as you say, I can get a mac to register its connection to the swiitch even though no green lights come on on the SG200. the mac is and with sub net and router set up as u spec but no web page can be loaded of the switch when I try

thanks though for advice so far.


I will turn all off tonight, and have to cancel the edit and staff tomorrow which is a majour hassle and come in at 9 to try again with a repair.- funny how useless a office is with out a switch

Level 1
Level 1

Hi Simon/Tom,

Thanks for your replies. I have tried the steps suggested by Tom with no result/change. I don't think that the switch responded to the reset, the status light just kept blinking away uninterrupted no matter how long I held reset. And even with knly my laptop connected, could not gain access to web GUI via any IP (default or the last configured static IP).

I have also tried booting with a DHCP server present on LAN, but no change in behaviour.

I am in the same boat as Simon, I have always saved the config after making any changes without issue.

Please let me know if you have any feedback from Cisco.

Thanks again for your replies.


I have nearly the same problem on a SG 200-26. I can not ping the host, arp is incomplete. But he is still running with a modified configuration (VLANs) and working as expected. No Web Access, no Ping, and a strange arp entry for the switch ( So of course, the webinterface is not accessible! At the moment the network is running, but i can not modify the configuration.

Does anybody has an answer from Cisco?

Thanks, ecaroh

mserve:~ ecaroh$ arp -a

? ( at 44:d3:ca:f3:af:54 on en0 [ethernet]

? ( at 0:a:5e:5e:ba:74 on en0 ifscope [ethernet]

? ( at e8:b7:48:26:95:c on en0 ifscope [ethernet]

? ( at 64:d9:89:c6:56:12 on en0 ifscope [ethernet]

? ( at 44:d3:ca:f3:af:54 on en0 ifscope [ethernet]

? ( at ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff on en0 ifscope [ethernet]

mserve:~ ecaroh$ nmap

Starting Nmap 5.51 ( ) at 2013-02-08 09:45 CET

Note: Host seems down. If it is really up, but blocking our ping probes, try -Pn

Nmap done: 1 IP address (0 hosts up) scanned in 3.09 seconds

mserve:~ ecaroh$ arp -a

? ( at 44:d3:ca:f3:af:54 on en0 [ethernet]

? ( at 0:a:5e:5e:ba:74 on en0 ifscope [ethernet]

? ( at e8:b7:48:26:95:c on en0 ifscope [ethernet]

? ( at 64:d9:89:c6:56:12 on en0 ifscope [ethernet]

? ( at (incomplete) on en0 ifscope [ethernet]

? ( at 44:d3:ca:f3:af:54 on en0 ifscope [ethernet]

? ( at ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff on en0 ifscope [ethernet]

mserve:~ ecaroh$

Level 1
Level 1

Hello,  are you able to communicate with the switch through the RS232 console port? If so, why not try a firmware recovery with Xmodem?

Instructions are here:

Even if you were already running the latest version, sometimes the flash can become corrupt and this procedure often works.

Hello, no, can't try serial cause SG200-26 does not have one. Of course, i can try to do a full reset. But the fault has a history. This switch was replaced by RMA 9 months ago.

Meanwhile i talked to the seller, my internet provider. He is willing to exchange the device by cisco.

I was buying Cisco to avoid exactly that, what has happened. Instead of buying a cheap device i have a Cisco which "sometimes can become corrupt..".

Thanks for your answer! I do not know what i will do if warranty is over. In that case i can through my "Cisco" in to garbarge.

Ah, besides that, exchanging such a quality device from Cisco causes me now more than two days work. First faulty switch had an hours lasting searching till the final conclusion, that it's simply defect after half an year. The second one did it 9 months.

Thanks again to the helpfull Cisco Community!



Looking at your youtube, the flash is corrupt. Any time the port lights are solid without connection, the switch is basically done especially since the device has no console.


The switch has a limited lifetime hardware warranty so you won't be paying much or any money for replacements. Only some man hours.


Do you have any other symptom? Switch is passing traffic or not? LED lights when a connection is made? Any LED solid when there is nothing connected? You have swapped out the wire between the computer and switch? Tried a different computer AND internet browsers?

If you guys suspect the switches are faulty and can't get them working, use the warranty options you're entitled to. That is one thing Cisco is the best at, Warranty. Can't beat life time hardware.

Please mark answered for helpful posts

-Tom Please mark answered for helpful posts

Be carefull with litgle details...I was sure mine was “bricked” but noooo...

-Conf 192.168.1.X in a computer

-Open a CMD and ping -t to

-Disconnect everything except computer to make restore

-Power off (observe your link icon indicate X)

-Push reset holding button (clip tool)

-Observe ping responding to .254

-Navigate to

-Select file with las flash file 

-After upload follow red indications...
