I am running a VSS consisting of two 6509-E with Sup720 MSFC3. The IOS is a 15.1(2)SY2. I tried to upgrade to 15.1(2)SY5. According to the ISSU compatibility matrix this should work. I did a "issu loadversion", and as soon as the second supervisor came up with the new software the active sup logs:
%ISSU-SW2_SPSTBY-3-NOT_FIND_UNDER_SESSION: Can not find control block under session group for msg type(117) under receive transform session(652).
%ISSU_ERROR-SW2_SPSTBY-3-TRANSFORM_FAILED: ISSU VS Power Client(6056): receive transformation failed (ISSU_RC_MSG_TYPE_NOT_FOUND)
%ISSU_ERROR-SW2_SPSTBY-3-MSG_MTU: ISSU VS Power Client(6056): Client failed to get mtu for message 118 (ISSU_RC_NEGO_RESULT_NOT_FOUND)
%ISSU_ERROR-SW2_SPSTBY-3-TRANSFORM_FAILED: ISSU VS Power Client(6056): transmit transformation failed (ISSU_RC_MSG_TYPE_NOT_FOUND)
%ISSU-SW1_SP-3-INCOMPATIBLE_PEER_UID: Setting image (s72033_sp-IPSERVICESK9-M), version (15.1(2)SY5) on peer uid (517) as incompatible
%ISSU_PROCESS-SW1_SP-4-ABORT_ISSU: Service Incompatibility - Aborting the ISSU process
%ISSU_PROCESS-SW1_SP-3-ABORT: Abortversion still in progress, please wait ...
%ISSU_PROCESS-SW1_SP-3-ABORT: Resetting Standby shortly
After that the secondary sup reboots the old ios and the issu is cancelled.
Any ideas?