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Cat6500, VSS, mac address table empty

Level 1
Level 1

Today I noticed empty mac address table on our Cat6500 in VSS.          

c6506_hto2_vss#sh mac address-table

Legend: * - primary entry

        age - seconds since last seen

        n/a - not available

  vlan   mac address     type    learn     age              ports


MAC entries unavailable, please try later!

No entries present.

During the day this state changed to "almost empty" table:

c6506_hto2_vss#sh mac address-table

Legend: * - primary entry

        age - seconds since last seen

        n/a - not available

  vlan   mac address     type    learn     age              ports


* 2246  0011.5d97.e400    static  No           -   Router

* 2920  d8d3.855e.195a   dynamic  Yes        175   Po2

* 1530  0050.5600.2300   dynamic  Yes        175   Po1

* 3414  0050.56b0.0151   dynamic  Yes        175   Po1

* 3334  0050.568d.02d2   dynamic  Yes        100   Po1

* 1550  0050.5645.85aa   dynamic  Yes          5   Po1

*  710  685d.43fa.14f5   dynamic  Yes        320   Po302

*  756  0050.568f.0083   dynamic  Yes        175   Po302

*  761  000b.fcfe.1b05   dynamic  Yes          0   Te1/4/1

*  759  000b.fcfe.1b05   dynamic  Yes        165   Te1/4/1

* 2926  78e7.d1b1.8096   dynamic  Yes         30   Po2

*  710  0024.d698.1074   dynamic  Yes        335   Po302

*  750  0017.a477.1066   dynamic  Yes        175   Po302

* 1530  0050.5600.2253   dynamic  Yes        175   Po1

*  794  0017.a477.0008   dynamic  Yes        175   Po302

*  710  e006.e6c7.8915   dynamic  Yes        175   Po302

MAC entries unavailable, please try later!

This state persists. CPU load is normal so I assume that switch has all MAC addresses in CAMs on its line cards.

The current situation complicates troubleshooting.

Anyone know how this could happen and how to fix it?


6 Replies 6

InayathUlla Sharieff
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Hi Petr,

Indeed this is a bug. Unfortunately I cannot disclose this bug publically you can log a cisco tac case to get the bug details.

As a workaround you would need to make a reload on the vss

chassis and a down time will be required. We can also try to switchover to

the standby supervisor in order to check if the problem is with the current

active supervisor card itself.




What version of IOS are you running?

Cisco IOS Software, s72033_rp Software (s72033_rp-ADVIPSERVICESK9-M), Version 12.2(33)SXJ4, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2)

System image file is "sup-bootflash:s72033-advipservicesk9-mz.122-33.SXJ4.bin"



please check pm.

Hi Inayath,

thanks for you valuable post. Could you plese send me the Bug ID by internal message?


Hello Inayath,


we have the same problem and we are interested in that bugID also. Is it possible to let us see bug details?
If so how can we access that information?


Best Regards

Jan Šupka

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