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Cat65k boot problem: Waiting for supervisor to come online in other slot

Level 1
Level 1

Dear all

I am facing this problem for the first time and the internet does not provide too much help about this one:

Here is a 6509 with Sup720-3BXL/MSFC3. It begins to load its image but then sits in an endless loop of


Waiting (slot 5) for supervisor to come online in other slot.  iteration = 31

Next Retry will be done after 6 seconds


All I can find on the web here is a hint regarding the modular software image (...-mz...) which cannot be used. But I have never used other ones than these mz-ones.

I tried to boot different images from the rommon but the result is always the same.

I guess there is some simple solution for this.... but what is it?



3 Replies 3

Level 1
Level 1

Additional note: The system booted normally before the rommon-upgrade to 8.5.4.

Level 1
Level 1

Have you solved that?

Thank you,

Please who can help me? I have the same message error...
Waiting (slot 5) for supervisor to come online in other slot. iteration = 151
Waiting (slot 5) for supervisor to come online in other slot. iteration = 159
Next Retry will be done after 6 seconds
*Jun 1 11:10:41.687: %VS_PARSE-4-CONFIG_WARNING: Switch bootup in Standalone mode since config register sets to skip Startup config: 0x2140
*Jun 1 11:27:02.087: %UBL-2-SLAVE_FAIL: Could not download image due to - Supervisor in other slot is not online.
*Jun 1 11:27:02.087: %PFREDUN-4-SUP_FORCE_TO_ROMMON: Supervisor forced to rommon with reason: Cannot continue... disabling autoboot and resetting

System Bootstrap, Version 8.5(3)
Copyright (c) 1994-2008 by cisco Systems, Inc.
Cat6k-Sup720/SP processor with 524288 Kbytes of main memory

rommon 1 >
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